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COUNCIL 7:00 P.i. GATE: <br /> I CALL TO ORDER: <br /> 11 ROLL CALL: <br /> ill D"ETER?=11 NATION OF QUORUM: <br /> IV APPROVAL OF MINUTES: <br /> 11i notes of regular moati ng of AugusT 21 , 1939 <br /> V CONSENT AGENDA: <br /> The items on the consent agenda area to be acted upon by the Council <br /> In a single motion. There will be no separate discussion of these <br /> Items unless a Counci lr�ember or citizen so requests, in that event <br /> please raise his/her hand when the r�layor reads the itern number. !31hen <br /> the motion is made, the items? will then appear on the agenda undor <br /> the numbor in parenthesis to the right of the iter. <br /> 1 . Pay all bi l Is as audited. <br /> 2. Order 1990 Budget Hearing. <br /> 3. Council-Staff Retreat Resolution. <br /> 4. Accept J. Pltsnra2r Resignation - Authorize hiring of now intern. <br /> 5. Extension to paving requirement M Super- 8 'lotel . <br /> 5. Pay Est. 95, Kays 4ei I DrII I Ing, 'Nei 1 ;4212 Replacarfent --$7254.00. <br /> 7. Resolution-Final Pay Est.;. Gumbold Electric ® $34,575.00. <br /> 3. Pay Estimate 13 - Northdale Construction, 39 Imp. $ <br /> 9. Sidewalk Reimbursement �- H. Beissrel , 817 Ramsey. <br /> 10. Approve On Site Sewer System & Drill ''Wolf 512 E. 7th St. <br /> 11 . RFP for Audit Services. <br /> 12. Bids on Police Surplus Property. <br /> VI COUNCIL ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED: <br /> VII A'WARDINIG OF BIDS AND HEARING: <br /> ' r 1 . PLIbIic Hear ing-Ccnnai/An imal Sholter Ordinance. <br /> 2. Public Hearing-Assessment nearing, 1939 Imp. Program. <br /> 3. Award Bid b Riverfront Park Improvements. <br /> VIII REPORTS FROI CITY STAFF: <br /> A. City Enginco.r <br /> 1 . Resolution Adopting Assossment Roll for 1989 Improvements. <br /> 2. R,!�isolution revising Ashland Street State ,'lid Designation. <br /> 3. Retaining 'Jal I on Douglas fir. at :',-ialcolm Avenue. <br /> 4. Ordar in 33rd Street I mprovemsnts, approve Plans & Specs, <br /> Authorize Advertisement for Bids. <br />