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Hastings, Minnesota <br /> City Council Workshop <br /> November 18,2019 <br /> The City Council of the City of Hastings, Minnesota met in a workshop on Monday,November 18, <br /> 2019 at 5:30pm in the Volunteer Room at the Hastings City Hall, 101 East 4th Street, Hastings, Minnesota <br /> to discuss transportation issues and transportation and transit planning topics with Dakota County <br /> Transportation Department. <br /> Members Present: Mayor Fasbender, Councilmembers Balsanek,Braucks, Lund, and Vaughan <br /> Councilmember Folch arrived at 5:46pm, and Councilmember Leifeld arrived at <br /> 6pm <br /> City Staff Present: City Administrator Dan Wietecha <br /> Public Works Director Nick Egger <br /> City Engineer Ryan Stempski <br /> Dakota County Commissioner Mike Slavik <br /> Representatives Transportation Director&County Engineer Mark Krebsbach <br /> Senior Transportation Planner Scott Peters <br /> Mayor Fasbender called the workshop to order at 5:35pm. <br /> The meeting agenda focused on four primary topics. <br /> • County Road 42 Speed Issue <br /> Discussion on concern over speeding and safety for pedestrian through the corridor. <br /> Perception is a high level of violations are occurring. Discussion of soliciting for a <br /> speed study and potential for unintended consequences. Drastic physical <br /> modification of the roadway would be necessary to induce lower speeds, and would <br /> have substantial City cost share per Dakota County cost sharing policies. Support <br /> for staff to work with County staff to develop a scope of work to perform study of <br /> possible low-cost options to improve pedestrian crossing experience and safety. <br /> Staff will work on this and report back at a later date once scope materializes and <br /> estimate of study costs are known. City would have cost-share responsibility in <br /> study and the two parties would enter a joint powers agreement to conduct study <br /> work. <br /> • Conceptual Scope of County Road 46/47 Corridor Study <br /> This work is in the 2020 County Capital Improvements Plan, and work is intended <br /> to begin in first or second quarter of 2020. Study will examine most promising <br /> enhancements and improvements for speeds, safety, access, pedestrian <br /> connectivity, and consideration for economic redevelopment nearest to Highway <br /> 61. Study area will be from Highway 61 to western City limits. Joint powers <br /> agreement will need to be developed and executed between City and County. City <br /> cost share is 25% of the study costs, with upper limit expected to be $75,000. <br />