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Hastings Planning Commission <br />Meeting of May 25, 1992 <br /> <br />The regular meeting of the Hastings Planning Commission was called <br />to order by Commissioner Reinardy at 7:06 p.m. <br /> <br />Commissioners Present: <br /> <br />Bolesworth, Featherstone, Mesaros, and <br />Reinardy <br /> <br />Commissioners Absent: Anderson, Bateman and Zender <br /> <br />Staff Present: Community Development Director Wozniak <br /> <br />Minutes <br /> <br />Commissioner Reinardy called for additions or <br />corrections to the minutes of the regular meeting <br />of May 11, 1992. Commissioner Mesaros noted that <br />the word "no" preceeding the word "non-vegatative" <br />had inadvertently been omitted from condition #5 <br />associated with the Pleasant Valley 7th Addition <br />final plat. The minutes were approved as <br />corrected. <br /> <br />Taco Bell <br />Site Plan <br /> <br />Commissioner Mesaros moved, Commissioner <br />Featherstone made a second, to table the Taco Bell <br />Site Plan until the next Planning Commission <br />Meeting to allow the disputed location of the <br />site's east property boundary to be resolved <br />between the applicant and current property owner. <br /> <br />Upon vote taken, Ayes 4; Nays 0. <br /> <br />Updates <br /> <br />Community Development Director Wozniak summarized <br />planning related actions taken by the City Council <br />at its May 18, 1992 meeting. <br /> <br />Commissioner Featherstone requested that staff <br />arrange a meeting between the Commission and the <br />Planning Committee of City Council to discuss <br />growth management issues. <br /> <br />There being no further business, Commissioner <br />Bolesworth moved, Commissioner Featherstone made a <br />to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 p.m. <br /> <br /> <br />