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MINUTES OF HASTINGS PLANNING COM~IS$ION <br /> <br /> MONDAY, NOVE~fBER 14~ 1983 <br /> <br /> 7:30 P.M. <br /> <br /> Thc meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. ~y Chair- <br />man Murphy. <br /> <br />~.~em~ers Present: Co~m~isgioners Murphy, Swanson, Stevens, ReuLer, <br /> Maztin, Simacek, Conzemius, Anderson and Wendler. <br /> <br />Members Ab_en~: None <br /> <br /> Moved by$ioner Reuter, seconded by Commis- <br />sioner Wendler to approve the Minutes of the October 24, <br />1983 Meeting. 9 Ayes, 0 Nayes. <br /> <br /> Moved by Cormm~isgioner Simacek, seconded by Commis- <br />sioner Wendler to recommend approval of the variance for <br />the reasons indicated in the November 10, 1983 Staff Re- <br />port. 9 Ayes, 0 Nayes. <br /> <br /> Moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commis- <br />sioner Wendler to reco~mnend approval of the variance re- <br />quest, since the home is located on a major highway and <br />is adjacent to none residential uses, thus a hardship is <br />demonstrated. 9 Ayes, 0 Nayes. <br /> <br /> This would allow the expansion of a commercial <br />building up te thc property line. <br /> <br /> Meved by Commissioner Wen~ler, seconded by Commis- <br />sioner to recommend approval of the variance request, <br />since this is a unique situation, and approval would not <br />be contrary to the intent of thc zoning ordinance, with <br />the condition that the addition have wall finighes com- <br />porable to the existing walls, except on the west gide, <br />where the concrete blocks should be painted a complimentary <br />color. 9 Ayeg, 0 Nayes. <br /> <br /> Moved by Commissioner Swanson, secended by Commis- <br />sioner Ccnzemius to recormnend approval of the alley vaca- <br />tion subject to the retention of an easement for any public <br />and provate utilities. 9 Ayes, 0 Nayes. <br /> <br /> Cemmissioner Reuter gave the Committee Report, in- <br />dicating that the rezoning appeared reasonable. <br /> <br /> Moved by Com~nissioner Renter, seconded by Commis- <br />sioner Simacek to recommcnd the rezoning of those properties <br />included in the petition from C~2 to R-2, on the grounds <br />that nothing in the forseeablc future would dictate the <br />need for additional commercial expansion in this part of the <br /> <br />APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br /> <br />VARIANCE - OFF-STREET <br />PARKINC REQUIREMENTS - <br />REMODELING AND RENOVA- <br />TiON OF THE MASONIC <br />BLOCK BUILDING - 3RD <br />& SIBLEY STREETS - <br />HARRY SCHOEN <br /> <br />LOT SIZE VARIANCE RE- <br />QUEST TO ALLOW FOR TWO <br />FAMILY CONVERSION - 71~ <br />VEP~ILLION STREET - <br />DON KE!LER <br /> <br />REAR YARD SETBACK <br />VARIANCE - 1360 <br />VERMILLION STREET - <br />ANDRE MENARD <br /> <br />ALLEY VACATION - ALLEY <br />BETWEEN 4TH & 5TH AND <br />SPRINC & ASHLAND <br /> <br />REQUEST TO REZONE PART <br />OF THE DOI~TOWN COMMER- <br />CIAL DISTRICT TO R-2 <br /> <br /> <br />