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t0 the Planning Commission. <br /> <br />7 Ayes . 0 Nayes. <br /> <br />Commissioner Peterson reviewed with the Planning REPORT ON T.H. 61 <br />Commission the meeting held on October 26, 1976 IMPROVEMENTS <br />regarding improvements along Hwy 6I. Commissioner <br />Peterson i~formed the members of the Planning Commission <br />that the State tqighway Department,s recommendation ts <br />similar to that which was discussed before the Plaru~ing <br />Commission a few months ago. <br /> <br />Moved by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by <br />Corru'nississioner K~amer tO have the Planning <br />Commission go on record favoring Alternate No. 1 <br />which involves raised medians and the provision of <br />left turn lanes at side streets with two lanes in <br />either direction. 5 Ayes - ~Valker and Latch - I~ay. <br /> <br />The Planning Co~nmission referred to the Fischer <br />Committee the discussion on an ordinance which would <br />provide for a variance fron~ the existing platting <br />ordinance. <br /> <br />ORDINANCE VARIANCE <br />FROM PLANNING <br />RE QUIREME NTS <br /> <br />Commissioner Fischer reminded the Planning CommissionCOMMITTEE REPORT <br />members that he is working with /he attorney and the - REVISIONS OF CITY <br />Planning Director to revise the City zoning and ORDINAI%-CES <br />subdivision regulations. Commissioner Fischer <br />asked that any ordinances which the members felt <br />was in need of revisions should be submitted to <br />him for investigation. <br /> <br />Commissioner Fischer asked whether money was CONFERENCES <br />available for members of the Planning Commission <br />to attend conferences. The Planning Director indicated <br />that money has been budgeted for some Planning Commissio~ <br />members to attend conferences and it was just a mat~er of <br />the Plarining Director appropriating the funds for those that <br />may be interested Ln attending any conference. <br /> <br />Move"d by Commissioner Latch, seconded by <br />Commissioner Fischer to adjourn at 10:20 p.M. <br /> <br />ADJOURNMENT <br /> <br /> <br />