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Plan~h~g Comm[s sion Minutes <br />(Continued) <br /> <br />-2- <br /> <br />October 13, 1976 <br /> <br />The PlannLug Director reviewed information concerning <br />drainage off of the proposed Tannenbaum Addition and <br />adjacent property. The present drainage pattern was <br />reviewed as was the staff proposal for creating a ponding <br />basin adjacent to the river dike to allow for ponding of <br />water draining from approximately 21.5 acres. This area, <br />the Planning Director indicated, would be used for the storage <br />of water when the river level was too high to allow drainage <br />thru an existing culvert. <br /> <br />Commissioner Stark reviewed with the Commission his <br />Committee report, with ~he major points being that a <br />ponding basin should be avoided if possible, that an alternate <br />access should be provided possibly to the south through the <br />County property, and the City should be taking land in lieu <br />of money for park dedication. <br /> <br />Mr. Seida, representing Harry S. Johnson and the <br />Fra~zmeierts, indicated that although some of the <br />residents are opposed to having Southview as a thru street, <br />it did allow for the dispersion of traffic rather than forcing <br />more traffic onto a fewer number of streets. Mr. Seida <br />indicated that by showil~g a street going thr%~ the Coul~ty <br />property, this did not necessarily mean that the road would be <br />constructed, and this would bring us back to the problem that the <br />Committee was trying to avoid one access into the Franzmeier <br />development (this assumes that Southview is n,t a thru street). <br /> <br />Residents from the area proposed for the new deveiop~nen~ indicated <br />concernm regarding traffic and requested that a traffic analysis be do~e. <br />Other concerns involve costs for those people in the drainage area, <br />and the need for more than one exit from the Franzmeier proposal. <br />The public hearing was closed at 9:30 P.M., after all people present <br />had an opportunity to speak on this matter, <br /> <br />Assistant Chairman Stoffel informed the Commission that this <br />matter should be referred back to the Stark Committee requesting <br />the Committee meet with lvir. Fluegel (owner of the adjacent <br />property), the Franzmeier~s (or their representative), the City <br />staff, al~d 1V[r. Kieffer and Mr. SteYens (representing the residents <br />in that area). Commissioner Stoffel requested that this Gornrnittee <br />report back to the Plann~ug Commission at the next meeting. <br /> <br />Commissioner Kramer reviewed his Committee report <br />on the day care center for 10 pupils. The Committee's <br />report indicated that there should be no adverse affect <br />on the neighborhood for this operation, and recommends <br />that a special use permit be issued. <br /> <br />SPECIAL USE PERMIT <br />MRS. GERVAIS FOX <br />991 WEST ZZND STREET <br /> <br /> <br />