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Planning Commission Minutes -2- September 27, 1976 <br />because it may be ia the City's interest to rezone an area <br />broader in scope than was originally petitioned. That being <br />the case this hould be a city nitiated project and no £ee charged. <br />Moved by Commissioner Walker, seconded by Corrn-nissioner <br />Stark to schedule a Public Hearing £or October 13, 1976, 4 Ayes - <br />Kramer, Nay. <br />Dr. Tervola has requested a variance from the side VARLA-NGE - DR. C,A. <br />yard setback requirement for a parking lot. Dr. TERVOLA - 2Z1Z <br />Tervolats building was constructed prior to the City's VERMILLION STREET <br />present zoniag ordinance and an inadequate area was <br />provided for off-street parking. As a result it is <br />impossible to construct a parking lot on the property and <br />maintain the required setback. The staff recornn%ended that <br />a variance be granted for the construction of the parking lot <br />subject to the petitioner providing more accurate information <br />regarding the property line as well as indicating the type and <br />quantity of shrubs which are to be planted. <br /> <br />Moved by Commissioner Latch, seconded by Cornrnissioner <br /> Walker to approve the variance with the information requested <br />by the Planning Director being supplied. 5 Ayes - 0 Nayes - <br />Krame r abstained. <br /> Moved by Commissioner Walker, seconded by Gommissioner RESCHEDULE NEXT <br /> Stark to reschedule the next Planning Commission meeting PLANNING COMMISS- <br />for October 13, 1976 due to a legal holiday on the regular ION MEETING <br />meeting night. 4 Ayes - Kramer, Nay. <br /> <br />The preliminary plat submitted by the Franzmeier's FRANZMEIER PRELIM- <br />meets all the zoning code requirements, however, the INARY PLAT ZZND & PINE <br />proposal failed to meet three standards listed in the <br />subdivision ordinance. The proposed plat indicated that <br />a cul-de-sac will be 570' in length as opposed to the required <br />5001; the width of the right-of-way which is an extension of an <br />existing right-of-way will be 60' as opposed to 66' wide; and <br />surface drainage will be 750' in length as opposed to the required <br />maximum of 500'. <br /> <br />Other concerns arise due to the uncertain nature of the <br />development to the west of the l~ranzmeier property. Because <br />development plans have not been submitted for the property to the <br />west, the Franzmeier's would have to obtain easement for utilities <br />which extends into Country Club Addition. Other issues involve drainage <br />which goes from the Franzmeier property westerly, and we must assure <br />that there will not be any hardship on the proposed development. Finally <br />a temporary cul-de-sac should be provided along the west end of the <br />proposed Southview Drive in case the development is not forthcoming <br />to the west. <br /> <br />Moved by Commissioner Latch, seconded by Com.~mi,[ssioner <br />Peterson to schedule a public hearing for the~,' l_S, 1976 <br />meeting. 6 Ayes - 0 Nayes. Cornrnis~oner Stoffel referred the <br />matter to the Stark Committee for further investigation. <br /> <br /> <br />