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PLANNING COMMiSSION MINUTES <br /> MONDAY, AUGUST 23, 1776 <br /> <br />The meeting was called to order at 7:33 P.M. by chairma~ Glen~uie. <br /> <br />Members Presemt: Limde, Peterson, Stoffel, Latch, Stark, Fischer, <br /> Glennie, amd WaLker <br /> <br />Members Absent: Kramer <br /> <br />Student Members Present: S[oneberg, Kusske, Fox <br /> <br />The Cernmissien indicated that the August 9th <br />Minutes should be amended to indicate that Mr. Walker <br />~s absent and that the student member -.. <br />present was Mr. Stoneberg and not Mr. Hu~bert,. <br /> <br />APPROVAL OF MINUTF. S <br /> <br />Moved by Commissioner Walker, seconded by <br />Commissiomer Fischer te approve the August 9, 197& <br />minutes as amemded. Eight ayes, zer~ n~ys. <br /> <br />The Plam~a~g Directer revle%ved the pr®p®sal by <br />McDonald Cerperat{®n t® construct a restaurant <br />SDuth Fr~ta~e ~oad. It was ~dicated tha~ ~he proposal <br />meets all the City*s zoning requirements. The <br />Pla~ing Directer recommended approval of the s~te <br />plan subject te the following condition: <br /> <br />1. That ~ additie~l 10; easement be eb~a~ed <br /> the north property line. <br />2. Revised pla~ should be submitted ~dica. t~g rnere <br /> adeq~/e drayage ~f the park~g <br /> Special ca~e should be t~en ~ s~dd~g the <br /> part of the property te avoid er~slem ~d special <br /> attention should be give~ te design~g a f~cili~y <br /> which can handle the r~-~ff from the park~g <br /> te the drai~ge d[[uh on Highway 55. <br />4. Spec~lcare should be g~en to ~eslg~ the build~g se <br /> that all four sides have a similar appear~ce. <br /> 5. L~mdscap~g should be provided as ~d~ca~ed on ~r. <br /> Engs[rem~s dra~ presented before the <br /> Ce~ssioaen August 23, 1976. <br /> 6. The directional signs for the ~cDo~ld~s p~.rklng <br /> should be a minimum of 10~ from the proper~y <br /> avoid any obstruction ef ~sien. <br /> <br />SITE PLAN REVIEW <br />MC DONALDS <br />1340 SOUTH FRONTAGE <br />ROAD <br /> <br />A letter sh®uld be submitted by the developer imdicat~g <br />that they were willing to comply with all the rcquireme,.ts <br />established by the Planning Cornrnissie~%o <br /> <br />Mmved by C~)rnrnissioner Fischer, sec~ndedby <br />Cornrn~ssi~ner Stof£el to approve the site plato submitted <br />by I{/[cDonald's subject to the conditien~ me. mtiem in the p]~n~ing <br />Director's memo of August Z0, 1976. <br /> <br /> <br />