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-2- <br />Planning Commission Minutes (Con~.) <br />May lO, 1976 <br /> <br />The staff report goes on to indicate that the second <br />mest desirable location for additional cornmercial <br />preperty would be the northeast quadrant of a <br />Pleasant Avenue and T.H. 55 intersection. This <br />intersection will be designed to handle high v.iumes <br />~[ traffic, and the site c~uld be develeped in <br />cenjunction with the extension ~f North Service l{~ad. <br />A third choice f~r additiel~al c~mmercial property <br />would be the n~rtheast quadrant ~f the intersection of <br />Westview Drive and T.H. 55. <br /> <br />M®ved by Commissioner Latch, sec®nded by <br />Commissioner Stoffel t~ have the staff explore <br />in greater detail the possibility ef using tax <br />increment fi/lancing t~ allow the Red Ow1 store <br />te lecate by the existing Midtown Shepping Center; <br />plus contact Mr. Wagner and ask f*r his input <br />regarding the options presented in the staff memo <br />of May 7th, 1976. Seven ayes, zer~ nays. <br /> <br />The Commission asked that Mr. Wagner attend <br />their next ameeting?c that this matter ,can be <br />discusse,q With him p,~rsonally. <br /> <br />Commissioner Glennie referred to the Stark <br />Committee the responsibility of investigating <br />the possibility of.establishing a historical <br />commission in the City of Hastings. <br /> <br />Moved by Commissioner '.Walker, seconded by <br />CommisSioner Latch to adjourn at 8:58 P.M; <br /> <br />INVESTIGATE ESTABLISH- <br />MENT OF HISTORICAL <br />GOMMISSION <br /> <br />ADJOURNMENT <br /> <br /> <br />