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at the last seminar for review by the O~en Space Committee. He also stated <br />that all of these funds are 50°/~ matching funds. Ti~s is to eliminate the "Santa <br />Clause" effect in allocating fuuds; that those com~nunities truly interested in <br />park and open space would hate the incentive to partici.pate in at least 50~/~ of <br />the funds° However~ if the project would conform to the re§ional significance <br />aspect~ in other words would conform to the lvfetropolitan Council plan for <br />open space and would qual~y, therefore, for Lawcon Funds~ that the State <br />would then participate in 50~ of the balance of City Funds, which would leave <br />the City 25~0 of the cost of acqulsi~ion and development. <br /> He also stated that the Metropolitan Cotmc[l Park Reserve Board is defunct; <br /> that the bil~ was pass, ed in the last hours of legislature and was ruled by the <br /> A~torney Genera~ to be null and void. Therefore~ present practices at <br /> ~oc~l -~its of govcrnmen~ ~vork ~hrough the ~[etropo~itan Cocci[ for aHocatlon <br /> of pr~.o ritles~ <br /> <br /> Also stated th~ the Park and Recreation Core,tree should have an operati~ <br /> budge~. It should contact a[i ~ts of government, which could assist <br /> Par~ Sp~ce Committee with formu[at~g a program. The first i~em <br /> would be to ~et up the action group. Second w~[d be to take ~ ~ventory <br /> of a~[ the p~.esent facH~es and project these present facilities into the <br /> to~al conczpt p~an for the mu~cipa~[ty or area, forgetting about preset <br /> City boundaries so that the park-systems wou~d ~teract ~ afl surro~d~g <br /> co~ities ~d alternately with the total Codnty plan and totally with <br /> Seven Co~ty plan. Once the s~s~em is set up then the ~en Space Co~ittee <br /> could 'submit a project agreement ~d maintenance agreement form ~rough <br /> the ]~pt~ of ~cal and Urban $fffairs ~d depend~g upon priority, these f~ds <br /> world then be allocated on a priority basis. <br /> <br /> ~e a~so sta~ed t~t historica~ sites take no precedence in this program; t~t <br /> 'zhere would be o~er f~ds available for reconstruction for building parks <br /> around a ~storica[ site and that they wou~d assis~ the committee in <br /> <br />There were two plans under the IViinneso~a Natural Resources Act° Fizst - <br />No~ 1139 in which they have Zo 5 million available. The second is NOo 879 in <br />which they have 4 million available, Z million of which is used for IvIetro-area. <br />2 million for our state areas° <br /> <br />They are proposing that all acquisition of parks out side o£ the iV~etrooarea <br />be participated in 1000/~ of the cost; 50~/c corning from Federal Lawcon Funds <br />and 50~ from the Minnesota Natural Resources Funds° <br /> <br />He stated that when the Open Space Committee set. up a system, they should <br />determine what are their total responsibilities. He stated that the Committee <br />could check with Inver Grove, Cottage Grove~ West St. Paul and So~. St. Paul <br />to'determine how they have proceeded with their open space programs. ' He <br />suggested that possibly the focal businessmen;..~ who would be willing to loan <br /> <br /> <br />