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I,/~Ii~]UT~.'S OF P~I~ Y~b~D ~ECP. E~kTION SUBCOIVikflTT.EE <br /> <br />HELD MOND.~Y, AUGUST 319 1970 <br /> <br />Those present: <br /> <br />Mro David Pederson, Mr. Tony Wil[eke~ Mr. Werner <br />Fasbender~ Mr. J. M. McKane, Mr. Bert i-I. Lurid, <br />Mr~ Ed Fischer~ Mr. ~n klallberg, I~*. <br />Wol[mer~g~ Mrs, M~.vis Nelson~ Mr. Hi Ki[born, <br />Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sch~acher, Mr. Jo~ Co Hem[em, <br />Mr. Roger Yo~gqulst, Mr. Randy Dotso~ Mrs. PameX¢ <br />Thomas~ Mro D~ck Co[[ins, Mr. Len Freiermu~h~ <br />Mr. J~m Hohnes, Mr. Edwin Sont~g, Mr. Orv~ Mcen~ <br />Mrs. ~u~ust Ho ~Ren~ie~ Mr. Ray ~u~son~ Mro Jim <br />O~Co~or, Mr. RusseX AndCews from ~he State <br />Office, Mr Waliy Erickson~ City C[erk~ Mr. <br />Davidson~ City ~ngineer~ Mr. WaXt Pe~ersen, Pinning <br />Co~ssion C~rman, Mr. Don Fk~ege[, C~ty At~rney. <br />Com~g ~ Xa~e: Mrs. Helen Beissel, Mrs. Ida Mae <br />C~rXes and Mr. Walter Thews. <br /> <br />Mr. ~Talt Petersen gave the openLug remarks, stating that the meeting tonight <br />wats ~o discuss financing of the Parks and Recreation Program for the City 0f <br />~m,,~ngs~ that the next meeting of this group would be held September 14~ t970~ <br />a~: ~hich time ~r~ Tom Clawson from the Office of ~cal and Urban Aff~irs <br />vfil speak on ~he Grant Programs available for Park and Open Space purchase <br />~ad development. <br /> <br />The n~eeting was then turned over to Mr. Wallace Erickson, who introduced <br />Mr. Russel Andrews from the State Public Examiners Office. He discussed <br />the overall City budget. The State Law which is the autho~-ity and limitations <br />fc~ City budget purposes. He stated the net levy for the City of ~stin~s is <br />$551, ~59, ac~ua~ operational bud~e~ [s $807, 516, of ~hich $Z68,455 is income <br /> <br />99 m~[[s, the Co~W is 55~ ~1 and the School ~s Z80.0~. ~r. Erickson <br />empkmsized the ~egality of spending and the limitations of spending ~ aH <br />dep~rtments of the City of Hast~s. <br /> <br />~r. Russe[ A.ndme~s sta~ed t~t State ~w a~lows ~0 ~i[~s to be levied for <br />general purposes, $5~. 00 per cap~ta for a~l purposes that are levied. He <br />s~ted that ~evy allowed for Open Space or Park Acquislt~on requires that <br />the municipality be part of the Regional Park D~str~c~ ~nd ~hen they ~my ~evy <br />18~ per capita each year for park acquisition pu~oses~ Re[a~n~ th~s to Hastens, <br />~ith a population of 1Z, 000 t~s ~ou[d ~ean about $2, 160 per year ~t could <br />be i~vi~d fca this pu~ose~ <br /> <br /> <br />