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3-E. Franchise and Other Agreements. Any munici- <br />pality should be able to reserve the right to continue <br />in full force and effect, or to negotiate franchises or <br />other agreements including agreed upon fees or taxes, <br /> <br />4. PLANNING <br /> <br /> Responsible government requires careful attention, not <br />only to meeting existing problems, but also to planning <br />for future growth and development. Local governments <br />are cognizant of a variety of planning needs and tools. <br />The following proposals reflect specific steps which <br />should be taken to allow municipal governments to con- <br />tinue to be responsive to such needs: <br /> <br /> 4-A. Minnesota Municipal Commission. To improve <br />the effectiveness of the Municipal Commission it is sug- <br />gested that thc following changes be made: Thc rcfcreh- <br />dura requirement in all annexation proceedings should be <br />removed; the Commission should be authorized to estab- <br />lish urban and rural taxing districts where none exist and <br />to provide for differential tax rates for not more than five <br />years, and to clarify the/provisions relating to apportion-~ <br />mcat of assets and obligations, and to define more <br />clearly appealable orders. To improve the "orderly <br />nexation" provisions it is suggested that an affected <br />municipality be authorized to initiate orderly annexation <br />proceedings upon being ordered ny an appropriate state <br />ag~'-,v to extend municipal services to an unincorpor- <br />at ,rea or when unincorporated territory abutting thc <br />municipality qualifies as agricultural property for the <br />purpose of the Minnesota Agricultural Property Tax <br />Law. Initiation also should be permitted upon resolution <br />of the~anncxing municipality and a petition of either 100 <br />or 20 percent property owners, whichever is smaller, in <br />the area to be annexed. Thc mandatory tax rate differ- <br />ential requirement sh6uld be removed and the Commis- <br />sion given discretionary autho~;ity to fix a period of <br />not more than five years in which to equalize the mill <br />rates in the affected areas. The annexed municipality <br />should be required to assume all planning, zoning and <br />subdivision obligations and functions, as well as author- <br />ized to levy special assessments for local improvements <br />. constructed, in an area designated as in need of orderly <br /> annexation. <br /> <br /> 4-B. Agricullural and Open Space Propet~y Tax Laws. <br />To achieve orderly urban expansion the League recom- <br />mends that modifications bc made in property tax <br />policies affecting agricultural and recreational open <br />space land. The period for paying deferred taxes on <br />agricultural rand should be increased to seven years so <br />that if within that time the land ceases to qualify or is <br />sold. the taxpayer should be required to pay the. differ- <br />enc,~between toe taxes he would have paid and the tax- <br />es ~ally paid while the land was classified as agricul- <br />turin. If agricultural or recreational open space land <br />has received tax deferment for more than seven years <br />and then is sold or ceases,to qualify, the taxpayer should <br /> <br /> Min ,n?sota MuniCipalities <br /> <br />be required to pay 25 percent of the appreciated value <br />of the property computed from the time it first qualified <br />until sold. or the total deferred taxes for the last seven <br />years, whichever is greater. The amounts should be dis- <br />tributed to the a~{ected taxing districts on an equitable <br />basis. Additionally, an interim study commission should <br />be established to seek greater coordination of tax policy <br />and urban development programs. <br /> <br /> 4-C. Urban and Rural Tax Districl Laws. It is sug- <br />gested that platted land be authorized to be included in <br />rural tax districts, provided there is a periodic review of <br />both the tax ratio and district boundaries by the muni- <br />cipality; that if one lot in the platted area is developed, <br />sold, or basic municipal services made available, the en- <br />tire plat is transferred to the urban taxing district; and <br />that a minimum size for qualifying parcels be established. <br /> <br /> 4-D. State Programs and Local Government. Any ef- <br />fort by the state to establish a department of local af- <br />fairs should be undertaken with caution to avoid dupli- <br />cating the efforts of existing functional or service groups <br />or organizations, especially in consulting services, train- <br />ing programs, basic research and information services. <br />Moreover, a prol~ram of this type must be accompanied <br />by a significant financial commitment for the support of <br />departmental programs. <br /> <br /> 4-E. County Subdivision Regulations. It is suggested <br />that county subdivision regulations, as ts the case with <br />municipal regulations, be required to be filed with the <br />county register of deeds and tl~at h~ be prohibit0d from <br />accepting plats not approved by the county platting <br />authority. Metes and bounds conveyances should also <br />be restricted in counties which have adopted and filed <br />subdivision regulations. <br /> <br />PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION <br /> <br /> The quality of service rendered by a municipality to <br />its residents is vitally dependent upon the quality of <br />its employees. A sound personnel program providing <br />equitable treatment to all employees is essential in secur- <br />ing ond maintaining quality personnel. An effective em- <br />ployment system must be structured in such a way that <br />undue preference is not afforded to selected individuals <br />so as to deny equal opportunity for original ap- <br />pointments or promotions to otherwise quali- <br />fied individuals. Furthermore, pensions and other pay- <br />related benefits should be adequately funded and de- <br />signed to allow municipalities to compete with other <br />potential employers in seeking and retaining qualified em- <br />ployees. The following specific proposals are endorsed <br />by the League as component parts of a programto move <br />toward equal employment opportunity for, all individuals <br />and to strengthen pay-related benefits ~o retain such in- <br />dividuals in mtmlcipal employment: <br /> <br />June, 1970 ~' <br /> <br /> <br />