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lV~inutes o£ Hastings Plannin§ Cor,~rnisslon <br /> h01d M0n , June 80 1970 <br /> <br />Mr. Gustaison s~ted again that ~he request for commercial zoning that <br />was presently under consideration would be withdrawn. <br />Mr. Siebrecht reported on ~e applica~on by Jehovah Witnesses request~g <br />au~orit~ to construct a meet~g hall in Block 2~ of Addition No. I~. <br />was stated ~t ~e Co~ttee felt ~at there was ~adequate parking a~il- <br />able ~d iur~er ie[t t~t ~e app~c~t s~u[d acq~re more l~d for park~g. <br />It ~s noted that ~ey only ~d Z3 park~g spots av~lable. The p~n <br />in, cares ~t ~e~e should be at least 43 parking spaces. ~ereupon~ a <br />motion was ~de by ~r. Siebrecht, seconded by ~r. Moen, to adopt <br />re~rt of the Co--tree, and approve the request upon the applican~ pro- <br />vid~g necessary parking spaces as set forth a~ve. ~e motion <br />~i~us [y carried. <br /> <br /> The next item of ~scussion ~s the Ver~11~n River. ~er much discussion <br /> a motion ~s made by Mr. Fischer, seconded by ~r. ~l[berg, to the <br /> following ei/ect: <br /> T~t ~ere is a flood problem and that ~e Co~iSsion go <br /> on record as favoring steps being t~en to alleviate <br /> problem~ but t~t the plan as presented by t~e Co~s <br /> Engineers be reviewed with a~Co~it~ee consisting of <br /> representatives of the City Co~ci~' the P~u~g Co~ission <br /> and a cit~ens group and that special consideration be given <br /> by t~s Co--tree to recreational ~d aesthetic considerations. <br /> <br />The motion was unanimously carried. <br /> <br />The following names were submitted for consideration' on the 'committee: <br /> <br />avis Nelson <br />ay Knuts on <br />~ert Lund <br />/~lVlrs. Charles Thomas <br /> John Lightbourn <br /> Hiram Kilbo rn <br /> James Grief <br /> Tom Wollme ring <br /> <br />~Dave Pederson <br /> Roger Youngquist <br /> I~rs. Roger Youngquist <br />_Cony Witleke <br /> hester Bassetti <br /> ~Walter Thomas <br /> ~ohn Herniern <br /> <br /> ,,~John Go lvicKane v~,~. <br /> <br />It ~s agreed by the Co~iSsion t~t all ~ ~ese persons would be invited <br />to the next meeting to e~ress ~eir. views. <br />Mr. Siecke~ stated that with reference to the Building Code, reco~endations <br />~ll be sub, rte.5 to the B~lding ~spector for consideration and then sub~f~ed <br />to the Pl~ng Co~ission.. hopefully at the n~xt meet~g. A general dis- <br />cussion took. p~ice ~th reference to the proposed airport lo,lion at the <br />Hosemo~t - F~rmington area. <br /> <br /> <br />