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Minutes of Hastings Planning Commission Meeting <br />held Monday, May 25, 1970 <br /> <br />Page 2. <br /> <br />The next item of discussion was the South Area Air Port. There was a brief <br />review of the meeting of May Zl~, 1970 which the Dakota County Development <br />Corporation sponsored and at that meeting Mr. Greggs, Vice-President of <br />Northwest Airlines gave a report on their position. It was suggested that <br />the City Engineer contact the Metropolitan Council and secure any inform- <br />at/on available in regard to facts of the Air Port sites, South Area versus <br />the Ham Lake site. <br /> <br />Under Committee Reports, the committee on Mobile Home Parks headed <br />by Councilman Fischer, stated that they had made no determination at this <br />time in their study, they were awaiting legislative tax study information <br />and also the outcome of the Vermillion River watershed study before they <br />make any recommendations to the Planning Commission. <br /> <br />The committee reported on the shopping center and apartment complex. <br />Mr. Leonard Bauer indicated they were having a meeting on Wednesday, <br />May 27th in this regard and could give no report at this time. <br /> <br />The next item of discussion was the Vermillion River Flood Project as pre- <br />sented by the Corps of Engineers at the last regular Council Meeting of <br />May 18th. It was suggested the engineer contact the Corps of Engineers, <br />determine what population projections were used for flood projection in <br />obtaining the 100 year flood curves, if in fact, ponds and possible dams could <br />be incorporated in the construction program. <br /> <br />Note: I called the Corps of Engineers today and talked to Mr. Bill Pearson <br />who stated they did no detailed population study for the watershed, however <br />they did determine there were 195 square miles in the Vermillion River <br />watershed and instead of using the actual 60% runoff coefficient from the area <br />they used 100% contribution of the entire 195 square miles which would allow <br />for some urbanization and full development of the watershed. He did want to <br />stress that the 1965 flood was not, and should not be construed to be a 100 <br />year flood, that the projections the Corps of Engineers is using is a 100 year <br />frequency flood curve based on rainfall data which could easily exceed the <br />1965 Spring melt flooding that occured that year. He also stated that the Colonel <br />was responding immediately to Mr. Fischer's questions by written confirmation <br />and ail of this information would be contained in the report to Mr. Fischer. <br />He also stated that the damage figures given at the hearing is obtained by their <br />Economics Studies staff, where they take valuation of houses in the area, and <br />elevations of the first flood in the flood plain. Each house in the flood plain <br />is evaluated, these are generalized curves which have proven to be very <br />accurate in the past as to possible damage that could occur should a 100 year <br />flood actually occur. All businesses within the floodplain area are actually <br />interviewed and determined what their total business losses would be for the <br />duration of the flood. In 1965 the damage could have been $725,000 and would <br />be increased in accordance with price cost indexes and then discounted by <br />the affect of the levy and bridge construction which has already taken place. <br />On this basis, today's damage could exceed one million dollars. <br /> <br /> <br />