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Minutes of Hastings Pl~nniug Commission <br />Meeting held Monday~ March 9~ 1970 <br /> <br />The next item o£ business was review of the minutes of the prior meeting° <br />They should be corrected to include Don Hal[berg as present at that meeting.. <br /> <br />Mr. William l~echacek then addressed the Commission on the proposed Mobile <br />Home ]Park at Lea Stree~ and East 8th Street. Mr. l~echacek noted that <br />approximately four years ago the City Council approved his Mobile Home Park <br />plan. After discussion with the Commission° the following appeared: <br /> <br />That a sub-committee of the Planning Comm/sslon had studied the <br />matter in December of 1965o A written memorandum was exhibited <br />to the Commission from the sub-committee, (See attached) <br /> <br />Notes of the Planning Comm/ssion Meetings /n 1965 disclosed that the' <br />report of the sub-committee had Been adopted by the 131analog <br />Commission and forwarded to the Council. <br /> <br />The plan as submitted contained approximately 50 lots and Mr. l~echacek said <br />that he feels the new Mobile Home Ordln~ce being considered, which requ/res <br />4~ 050 square feet per lot is excessive. He thinks 3200 would be appropriate. <br />This subject was concluded By advising Mrf, 13echacek that the Commission would <br />review the n~tter and check the Council minutes to see exactly what action was <br />taken by the Council on the proposal. (See Council minute extract attached. ) <br /> <br />The next item of business was a discussion with Marshan Township representatives, <br />Greg Wollmering, Willard Bauer and Tom TousiEnant regarding the Apac.h,.~ P[at <br />submitted to Mars~=~ Townsh/p for consideration. The engineer reviewed a list <br />o£ his comments on the plat as it would be effected by I-I~stings ~ubdivision OrdinanCe <br />had the plat been submitted for lands within the City, <br /> <br />There was also a d/scussion with the representatives of Marshan Township <br />about the H/ghway 55 - 61 by-pass. It was concluded that a meetinE would be <br />scheduled for March ~1~ 1970 at 8:00 P.M. at the City Hall for discussions <br />between the City and the Townships. <br /> <br />The next item of discussion was the /act that one of the members, because of a <br />conflicting schedule has been unable to attend the vast majority of meetings over <br />the past year or two. Whereupon, a motion was duly made, seconded and <br />unanimous ly carried: <br /> <br />That the P]~i~g Comm/ssion has a vacancy due to the non., <br />attendance oi one of the members and interested persons should <br />be advised to subm/t to the City Clerk their names for consider~t/on <br />at the next 131~n~ng Commission meet/rig at which time the l~lann/ng <br />Commission will recommend to the City Council the name of an <br />individual or individuals to fill the vacancy. Further. that said <br />name to be subra/t~ed to the City Clerk by April 1~ 1970. <br /> <br /> <br />