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Minutes o£ Hastings P/arming Commission Meeting <br />held Monday. March 9, 1970 <br /> <br />Page 2. <br /> <br />Also, due to the new concept of Mobile Homes and Modular Homes, a new <br />and different method of taxation must be established. The League Committee <br />is recommending a drastic change in the Mobile Home Tax Laws, that there <br />should be a tax levied comparable to the real property taxes. They are also <br />aware that there will be several organized groups advocating changes in the <br />present tax law in regard to Mobile Homes. The Mobile Home industry will <br />be invited to meet with the Tax Committee prior to drawing up any of the <br />Bills, however, the Mobile Home Industry will have a strong lobby in their <br />favor. <br /> <br />Mr. Claeson thought it would be doubtful that any Ordinance to enforce <br />the number of school unit population within a park could be established by <br />City Legislation. <br /> <br />Mr. Claeson had another appointment and had to leave the meeting, so he <br />could not stay~t for any additional question and answer sessions, how- <br />ever, the information he gave the committee and those present would be <br />evaluated for a decision by the Planning Commission. <br /> <br />Chairman Walt Petersen was late in attending the meeting so the meeting <br />was chaired by Mr. Hallberg. <br /> <br />There should be an amendment made to the minutes of the last meeting, <br />adding Mr. Don Hallberg to the list of those present at that meeting. <br /> <br />The next item before the Planning Commission was the Bill Pechacek mobile <br />home park. Mr. Pechacek furnished the Planning Commission with the <br />committee's recommendations dated December 15, 1965 attached to these <br />minutes along with newspaper accounts of approval of the Mobile Home Park. <br />Mr. Pechacek indicated that he would use the interceptor sewer adjacent to <br />his property as an outlet for sewer systems, that he will extend at his own <br />cost the watermain to the proposed mobile home park which is located at the <br />east end of E. 8th Street. Mr. Pechacek questioned the proposed 4,050 square <br />foot area required under the proposed trailer park ordinance and said that his <br />layout had been established on the basis of 3Z00 square feet. He indicated the <br />preliminary plan had been approved by the Planning Commission and City <br />Council in 1965, but that because of the lack of sewer to serve the area, he <br />waited until the interceptor was constructed in 1967. He has been filling the <br />area in general and did use a considerable amount of fill from the interceptor <br />sewer construction in 1967 to bring the area up to grade. He is proposing <br />50 units in the Mobile Home Park and did furnish a print of the area for Planning <br />Commission review. It was indicated to Mr. Pechacek, that because of the <br />proposed Mobile Home Ordinance, that in regard to this, after it was approved, <br />the existing mobile home parks would be given three years to comply, so that we <br />were suggesting that when he established this park that it does con form to the <br />proposed ordinances, rather than the existing ones. <br /> <br /> <br />