Minutes of the Meeting of December 18, 2001
I. Quorum: Coa~i~sioners Thorsen, Boler, Langenfeld, Simacek, Goderstad and Craft present;
meeting called to order by Chairman Thorsen at 7 p.m.
H. Minutes of November 20, 2001: Motion by Goderstad, second by Boler; motion carried.
HI. Review of building permits or design, proposals
715 Vermillion - re-roofing - approved by stafi~, no comments..
IV. New business
A. CLG Grant. guideliaes.l~jeet-Diseussedgoalsi methods with consultant, Carol
Zellie of Landscape Research. Agreed to work as much as poss~le by e.mall and committee
B. Appointments.andreappe'.'ntments. Bolex. moved and Craft seeonded, a
recommendation to Council for the reappointmem of Sovik-Siemens; motion carried. Thorsen
and Smith do not wish toserve anothex.term, leaviagtwo vacancies, Boler moved and Craft
seconded advertising for applicants; motion carried.
¥. Reports
A. 200-202 E. 7t~ Street. The new back ofhouse was not built as approved in that the
pitch of the roof and the number, size and placement of windows has been changed. An original
windows has beenremoved~ Irk-. Ries will be tol~ mr~install original window.
B. 121 E. 2nd Street. A telephone poll of the commissioners indicated approval of the
example window and decoration. M~, Johnson was-infom~d and will complete the job.
VI, Adjournment. Motion by Simacek~ second by Craffto.adjourn;. motion caried.