Minutes of the Meeting of September 18, 2001
I. Quorum: Thorsen, Boler, Sovik-Siemens, Simacek, Langenfeld, Smith, Warg, Craft and
Goderstad present; Smith absent. Chairman Thorsen called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. at
the Gardner House; the meeting moved to the City Hall at 7:00 p.m.
II. Minutes of August 21, 2001: Motion by Goderstad second by Sovik-Siemens to approve the
minutes with corrected spelling o£ Goderstad; motion carried.
IH. Review of building permits or design proposals
A. 221 E. Second. Gardner House, Earl Clausen requested approval for a replacement
post design based on early photographs. Motion by Boler, second by Langenfeld to approve
proposed design as submitted; motion carried.
B. 200-202 E 7a. Rick Ries requested review of modifications to plans to add on to back
of house. Motion by Warg, second by Goderstad to approve proposed changes with the
condition that new windows and doors be vertically aligned as they are on rest ofhonse; motion
IV. Unfinished business
A. Guidelines project. Motion by Boler, second by Simacek to advertise for consultants
for CLG gram project, publication of criteria and guidelines.
B. Trailside markers project. Direction to staffto hire a consultant with Council
approval, and to include HPC in the development of the content of the markers.
V. New business
Plaque project. Simacek will look into the possib'd~y oflocaily made plaques for
designated properties.
VI. Reports
A. LeDuc House process - MHS Executive Council met September 13, directed staffto
continue working with the City, Dakota County and the Dakota County Historical Society.
B. Pioneer Room - discussion ofcoliections, future.
C. Sign ordinance - adopted with hanging signs to be reviewed by HPC
D. 401 W. 2~. Council upheld HPC on Storholm appeal.
VH. Adjourn. Motion by Simacek, second by Goderstad; motion carried.