Minutes of Special Meeting of June 6, 2001.
Quorum: Commissioners Goderstad, Langenfeld, Craig, Boler, Sovik-Siemens, Thorsen,
Sknacek and Smith present; Warg absent. Staff: Grossman. Chairman Thorsen called the
meeting to order at 7 p.m.
Public Hearing. 401 W. Second Street. Chairman Thorsen open the public hearing on
proposed changes to 401 W. Second Street at 7:05 p.m. Grossman described the applications for
building permit and for design review. The proposed chauge to remove existing cedar shingles
on the house and reside with vinyl.
David and Terry Storholm, the owners of 401 W. Second, explained their reas6ns for wanting to
reside and described the condition of the house. The shingles are deteriorating, some are soft,
many do not hold paint. Removing the shingles would reveal visual problems. Twenty three of
twenty six windows have been replaced. It appears the replacement windows are smaller than
the original windows so there will be an unsided gap. The original siding has three different
laps: 3 1/2, 4 and 4 1/2 inches. One area under the shingles does not have clapboards. Plugs exist
in the siding where insulation may have been blown in. Shingle nails also made holes. They
would also be willing to remove all the shingles and consider the original siding, but they want
commission assurance beforehand that they will be able to reside with vinyl if the original siding
cannot be restored for about the same cost of vinyl siding - $15,000. They are willing to use
quality myl stdm~ with a 4 tach lap would match original clapboard in the district. The
guidelines allow the commission to consider vinyl siding when the original siding is
deteriorated. The Secretary of Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation of Historic Buildings do not
prohibit vinyl siding.
Pam Thorsen, 315 Pine Street, said that the commission has to consider the integrity and
character of the historic neighborhoods not just for the present but for future generations. She
fears that the consequences of using vinyl siding on older homes will not be known until it is too
late. This is a nation-wide disagreement about the long-term effect of vinyl siding. Manufactured
siding does not match original wood siding. The Sec~tary's Standards do not recommend vinyl
siding ..
Gmssman noted that the Secretary's Standards were changed between 1983 and 1990 and do not
specifically refer to vinyl siding - it only refers to materials. The current version says on page
6:"Standard 6. Deteriorated historic features shall be repaired rather than replaced. When
deterioration requires replacement of a distinctive feature, the new feature shall match the old in
design, color, texture, and other visual qualities and where possible, materials". The first
Standards said replacemem materials were also to match the composition of the old materials.
The Commission uses the 1990 edition of the Standards. The Standards do not apply verbatim to
this case because the Storholms want to remove a s'ding which is not original to the house and
replace it with a different siding material. The shingles were on the house when the district was
established. If owners wanted to cover up the original siding now, that would not be approved
under the City criteria and guidelines. The issue before the commission is what kind of material
can be used to reside houses which have already been resided, and whether to approve a residing
material before the condition oftbe original siding has been determined. If the original is
deteriorated, is vinyl acceptable?
There being no other persons wishing to make comment, the Chairman closed the public hearing
at 7:35 p.m. The Commissioners then discussed the issues with the Storholms for about an hour.
Motion by Goderstad, second by Smith that the Commission finds the proposed work (residing
with vinyl) does adversely impair the significance of the site and the district based on the
following findings, that the application is disapproved and that the Building Official shall be
notified that the permit is not to be released; motion carried, 8 ayes, 0 nays.
1. The Radabaugh House, 401 W. Second, was designated as contributing to the historic district
when it was registered in 1977. Contributing means it is of the same age, period design and
materials (as far as can be determined) as the other buildings malting up the district.
2. Vinyl siding is not compatible with the material and character of a contributing building in
this neighborhood, a National Register Historic District. Several houses in the district have
been resided (but not with vinyl) but as many still show the original wood clapboard siding.
The purpose of the district is preservation of original design and materials; that purpose is better
served by encouraging owners to uncover, repair and replace, rather than continuing to cover up
original appearances.
List of properties in West Second St. National Register Histo~ric District.
Ordinance Criteria Section 6. E. 1. (d): Contemporary design for alterations...to existing
properties shall not be discouraged when.., such design is compat~le with the size, scale, color,
material and character of the property, neighborhood, and environment. (i.e. vinyl siding is not a
compat~le material).
Residential Design Guidelines. (02) Walls, Wood sided. B. Vinyl and Aluminum siding; other
manufactured products. Buildings originally clad in wooden siding should not be resurfaced
with brick, stucco, artificial stone or brick veneer, hardboard or vinyl or aluminum siding. The
Commission may consider the following exceptions to the installation of vinyl on a case by case
basis: (a.) In cases where existing asphalt, asbestos, aluminum or vinyl siding (cedar shingles
are also a second layer of siding over original) is to be removed and where the underlying
original siding and decorative features are found to be significantly deteriorated, the Commission
should conduct a site visit during the removal process and advise on appropriate treatment.
Members of the commission visited the site in April. Some shingles had been removed for
viewing the original siding underneath. Most of the underlying siding could not be seen.
Motion by Simacek, second by Langenfeld that the Commission would consider the following
treatments appropriate if the owners applied for a permit; motion carried, 8 ayes, 0 nays.
1. Repair/replace the existing cedar shingles with cedar shingles.
2. Remove all the shingles, repair/replace deteriorated original siding with matching wood
siding as necessary and use Hardiplank (or equivalent cement-based siding) matching the
appearance of the original siding in areas where there is no original siding.
Motion by Simacek, second by Langenfeld to adjourn; motion carried.