Minutes of the Meeting of February 19, 2002
I. Quorum: Boler, Sovik-Siemens, Craft, Goderstad, LaBreck, Simacek and Warg.
II. Minutes of January 15, 2002. Motion by Goderstad, second by LaBreck to approve;
motion carried.
III. Unfinished business
Guidelines project. (CLG Gran0. Sovik-Siemens, Boler, Craft, Goderstad and
LaBreck worked with Carole Zellie, Landscape Research from 6 to 8 p.m., reviewing the layout,
content, and some issues.
IV. New business
Annual Preservation Awards. Nominations will be solicited in April for presentations
during Preservation Week in May.
V. Reports
A. ~eDuc House. Funds for the LeDuc house are in the Minnesota Historical Society's
appropriation request. They would be used to bring the house up to code before transferring it to
City ownership.
B. Plaques. Mike Simacek can make nice plaques for $12.00 each.. More quotes will be
needed to have the plaques painted and lettered.
V1. Adjournment. Motion by Craft, second by Boler; motion carried.