Minutes of the Meeting of July 15, 2003
I. Quorum: Commissioners Boler, Sovik-Siemens, Craft, Goderstad, Hellie, Martin and Warg
present; meeting called to order at 7 p.m.
II. Minutes of June 17 and July 1, 2003. Motion by Boler, second by Goderstad to approve
both; motion carried.
IlL Review of building permits or design proposals
207-209 Sibley Street. Robert & Barbara Hollenbeck. Second floor window sash replacement.
Motion by Bolder, second by Goderstad to approve submitted design, in that the replacement
window design and size, number of panes, dimensions of fi'amc components, and color were
consistent with the windows being replaced, the age of the building and the design guidelines;
motion carried, 7-0.
709 Ramsey Street. Karen Curry. New fence, side and back yard. Motion by Craft, second by
Martin to approve the submitted fence in that its appearance, size and location were consistent
with the design guidelines; motion carried, 7-0.
220 E 7th Street. Amy Martin. Reconfigure existing inflll overhang as a pergola, including roof
shape, rail trim, and column on west side of house. Motion by Boler, second by Siemens to
approve in that the design and materials submitted are compatible with the age of the building,
there is no adverse impact on the original design and material of the house and the work does not
face the street; motion carried, 7-0.
222 5t~ Street, Kathy O'Brien. Add two stained glass windows to west side of house. Reported
by Committee of LaBreck, Craft and Boler. Motion by Boler, second by Martin to approve in
that the design and materials submitted are compatible with the age of the building, there is no
adverse impact on the original design of the house and the work does not face the street; with
one condition - that the new window fi~ames look like the existing window flames and the top
edge of the fi~ames match the top edge elevation oftbe existing window; motion carried, 7-0.
IV. Business
Budget. Motion by Goderstad, second by Boler to approve the budget proposed by staff; motion
V. Information
502 W 7~ Street. Council did not approve designation. The nomination process takes at least
two months, which is longer than a planning and building permit approval process. Staffwill look
for ordinance language giving the city discretion on approvals requested during the nomination
process. In this case starting the nomination after work was proposed was not well received. The
HPC should continue periodic survey, research and nomination of good examples.
413 W. Second. Melson. Painting to begin week of July 14.
VI. Adjournment. Motion by Boler, second by Goderstad; carried.