Minutes of the Meeting of April 15, 2003
Hastings City Hail, 7:00 p.m.
I. Quorum: Commissioners Martin, LaBreck, Craft, Goderstad, Simacek, Boler, Sovik-Siemens
present. Staff: Grossman. Chris Hellie for interview.
II. Minutes of Mareh 18, 2002. Motion by Craft, second by Goderstad to approve; motion
IlL Review of building permits or design proposals
101 E. 2~ St. Amendola. Replacement of windows. Measured drawings of proposed
replacement windows not provided. Discussion of materials, muntins and dimensions. Motion
by Goderstad, second by Simacek to approve based on a photo of the replacement window type -
double-hung with screen, that the windows fill the openings and that road salt and spray from the
adjacent 61 bridge has corroded and rotted the existing wooden windows. Staffwill measure the
proposed window dimensions and compare them to the existing before installation. In favor: five;
opposed: Boler and Martin, motion carried.
413. W. 2~ St. Melson. Painting, replacement of rotted wood. Motion by Craft, second by
Goderstad to approve; motion carried, 7-0.
IV. Business
Interview applicant for vacant position. Motion by Goderstad, second by LaBreck to
recommend Chirstopber Hellie to Council for appointment to the HPC because Mr Hellie lives in
the city, is a finish carpenter by trade and has experience working on historic houses; motion
carried, 7-0.
Selection of 2003 preservation awards. The committee nominated 19 properties. The
commissioners selected 12 by voting. The list is attached. Awards to be presented at Council
Meeting of May 5 in observance of Preservation Week.
V. Information
Annual owners' mailing. Staffhas mailed a notice and the new design guidelines to all owners
of designated properties and copied the Building Department.
VI. Adjournment. Motion by LaBreck, second by Goderstad; motion carried.
May I, 2003
The Honorable Mayor and Cotmcil
John Grossman, HPC Staff
Preservation awards
Each year the Heritage Preservation Commission surveys the community and selects a
number of properties as good examples of historic preservation. They do not need to be
designated properties. Awards are made for appropriate remodeling, compatible new
construction, restoration of original materials and design, or for proper maintenance of
material and design.
Awards are made in May to coincide with National Preservation Week, May 4 - 10.
Other historic communities in Minnesota and across the country are recognizing the
importance of historic preservation at this time.
This years awards will be presented at the Council Meeting of May 5 to the following
persons for their work on these properties.
602 W 4th St.
Richad Ohrnan and Mary Jenkins
535 5th St. W.
Patricia Ronken
321 E. 5th St.
718 Vermillion St.
212 W. 7th St.
Chris and Melissa Worthington
Rick Smith and Les~e Atwood
Steven Bomdale
224 W. 7th St.
Joeseph and Elizabeth Balsanek
307 Sibley St.
Paul and Teresa Kranz
213 E. 2na St.
Tom and Karen Jung
200 E. 2na St. and 202 E. 2na St. Robert and Mary Bezdichek
105 E. 2nd St.
Rick and Bonnie Sue Ries
207-209 Sibley St. Bob and Barb Hollenbeck
G :~HPC~Awards.2003 .d~c