1. Roll. Commissioners Warg, Thorsen, Schnirring, Simacek and Coutu present; Smith and Sovik-
Siemens absent. Chairperson Coutu called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. Minutes of the meeting of October 21, 1997: Mr. Schnirring moved and Mr. Thorsen seconded
approval; motion carded 5-0.
3. Bills.: Mr. Schnirdng moved and Mr. Thorsen seconded approval; motion carried, 5-0.
Midwest Photo Service - $11.66 - copying historic photos
BT Office - $201 - Pioneer Room copy paper
Graphic Design - $805.14 - reprinting preservation brochure
Scenic America - $50 - membership
Preservation Alliance - $50 - membership
National Trust - $79 - publications for commissioner information
Sylvander Frame Shop - $274.82 - flaming City Hall art
Landscape Research - $10,000 - 96-97 CLG grant and match for district preparation
4. Review of building permits or design proposals.
No applications at this time
5. Staff & Committee Reports.
Conservation Area: The conservation area committee has met and discussed the proposed
boundary for the district. Initially, an area fi.om the Mississippi to 1 lth Street, and fi-om River or Pine
to the ralkoad, Todd Field and the Wright clinic is under consideration.
6. Unfinished business.
Commission vacancies: To avoid all the commissioners being reappointed at the same time,
these appointments could be for two years, from 1/31/98 to 1/31/2000. The city requires two
essential qualifications: dty residence and comment to the preservation of the community's historic
resources. When available, persons with an education, profession or interest in histoo', archaeology,
architecture, landscape architecture, urban design, law, restoration, rehabilitation, design or
construction bring experience to the commission. Staff will contact potential applicants.
7. Adjournment. Mr. Warg moved, Mr. Simacek seconded adjournment; motion carded, 5-0.