1. Roll: Commissioners Coutu, Thorsen, Warg, Sovik-Siemens, Simacek present; Schnirdng and
Smith absent. Staff: Grossman; Visitor: Dan Retka, Dakota County Historical Society.
2. Minutes: Ms. Sovik-Siemens moved and Coutu seconded approval; motion carded, 5-0.
3. Unfinished business: Historic district, conservation area and individual designations.
a. Historic District. Mr. Warg moved and Ms. Coutu seconded a recommendation to City Counc'd
to designate the Old Hastings Historic District as an Heritage Preservation Site with the boundaries
proposed on August 4th. Motion carried, 5-0.
b. Conservation Area. Mr. Warg moved and Ms. Coutu seconded notification to City Council that
the HPC desires to protect and enhance a larger area including Guardian Angels Chapel, and having
reviewed the conservation area concept, believes that it is an appropriate tool, will prepare a
conservation area ordinance, and will make a recommendation to Council by March 30th. Motion
carried, 5-0.
Chairwoman Coutu appointed a committee to study and make recommendations to the commission
on the conservation area: Mr. Warg, Ms. Sovik-Siemens and Mr. Simacek. Mr. Warg will set up
a committee meeting.
c. Individual designations. Mr. Simacek moved and Ms. Sovik-Siemens seconded notification to
City Council that specific properties will be studied and recommended for designation as Heritage
Preservation Sites. Sites to be studied include those listed on page 12 of the district report and
Guardian Angels Chapel. Motion carded, 5-0.
Ms. Sovik-Siemens will call the members to set up a meeting to look at proposed or possible
individual sites.
4. Adjournment. Mr. Simacek moved and Mr. Thorsen seconded; motion carried 5-0.