1. Roll. Commissioners Warg, Thorsen, Coutu, Sovik-Siemens, Schnirring and Simacek present;
Anderson and Smith absent; Chairwoman Coutu called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. Minutes of March 10, 1997 Mr. Schnirring moved and Mr. Warg seconded approval; motion
3. Bills. Ms. Sovik-Siemens moved and Ms. Coutu seconded; motion carried.
B.T. Office - $71.34 - Pioneer Room - periodical filing system
B.T. Office - $75.30 - paper
Minnesota Historical Society - $20.00 - annual membership
MHS - $30.19 - copies ofcontaet sheets for survey records
4. Review of building permits or design proposals.
212 E Second Street, Commercial Historic District. Drawings for reconstruction of storefront
provided for the owners, Bob and Barb Hollenbeck, by Allan Strand, the contractor. A car drove into
the window and brick bulkhead. They plan to replace it with a wood bulkhead shown. There is not
a historic photograph of this storefi'ont as built, but the proposed design was considered compatible
with the age of the building and with other nearby buildings. Mr. Schnirring moved and Mr. Simacek
seconded approval; motion carded.
5. Staff & Committee Reports.
Barker House. Staff reported that the CouncU approved the terms of sale. The conditions of
transfer include repair of roof, windows, doors and masonry within 12 months.
6. Unfinished business.
a. Residential Historic District. The commissions discussed the new district guidelines, boundaries,
public information and schedule for public meetings with the consultant, Carole Zellie of Landscape
Research. Whether landuse and urban design regulations should be addressed in the guidelines, or
in zoning amendments, and whether a type of conservation or historic district met the neighborhood
needs best was discussed. Mr. Simacek moved and Mr. Warg seconded that the ItPC and consultant
proceed with the historic district approach; motion carried
b. Annual Certified Local Government (CLG) training for HPC members. Sovik-Siemens,
Smith, Warg and Coutu plan to attend.
7. New business.
Commission vacancy. Anne Anderson has indicated a need to resign because of work conflicts. This
leaves two vacant seats.
$. Adjournment. Mr. Schn~r~ng moved and Mr. ~.ek seconded adjournment at/):20 pm; motion