1. Roll. Commissioners Anderson, Coutu, Schnirring, Simacek, Smith, Sovik-Siemens and Thorsen
present. Chairman Coutu called the meeting to order.
2. Minutes of September 9 and 26, 1996 (no minutes for October as a quorum not present) Mr.
Schnirfing moved and Ms. Anderson seconded both sets of minutes; motion carded.
3. Bills.
Mr. Smith moved and Ms. Coutu seconded approval of the bills; motion carried.
B.T. Office - $10.91 - office supplies
Rossings - $178.83 - flaming for city art collection
Midwest Photo Service - $124.29 - processing for customer.
4. Staff & Committee Reports.
Barker House. Staff reported that the City has readvertised for proposals for the
preservation and reuse of'the property as a condition of transferring title. Same conditions as prior
advertisement, but with the additional information about the cost of installing utilities.
5. Review of building permits or design proposals.
a. Howes-Graus, 718 Vermillion, garage addition. Mr. Smith declared conflict as an owner
of property and did not discuss or vote on the proposal. Ms. Atwood presented plans and description
of the proposed arbor addition to the garage (built ca. 1990). Mr. Schnirring moved and Mr.
Simacek seconded approval of the design on the grounds that it has no adverse affect on the
character, significance or material of the house; that the garage is not original, and that the arbor will
help disguise the modem dimensions of the garage. Motion carded.
b. Libbey-VanDyke, 612 Vermillion, door and window replacement. Mr. Most and Mr.
Frank of the Presbyterian Church presented the proposed replacements to a wing &the house added
around the turn of the century, not part of the original house, presumably for the sanatarium. Mr.
Smith moved and Mr. Schnirfing seconded approval on the grounds that the window replacements
will duplicate the existing windows, that the door facing the street will be replaced with a paneled
door, and the door facing north may be removed as it is a minor facade screened from public view;
motion carried.
6. Unfinished business.
a. Committees and Commission organization: deferred.
b. Two new positions: Staffdkected to determine if Mr. Warg is still willing to serve.
7. business.
Consider proposals received for completion of historic district project. Requests for
proposal were advertised on October 10 & 17; proposals were received from Landscape Research
and Marcia Ohlhausen, copied and distributed to thc commissioners. Mr. Smith moved and Ms.
Anderson seconded recommendation to Council to contract with Landscape Research on the grounds
of their past experience in Hastings and their having satisfactorily completed the first phase of this
project. After discussion, motion carried, 7-0.
8. Adjournment. Mr. Simacek moved and Ms. Coum seconded adjournment; motion carried.