Roll: Commissioners Coutu, Smith, Siemens and Thorsen present: Simacek, Schnirdng and
Anderson absent.
Public Heating on the proposed changes to 207 W. Second, a National Register District property.
The Chair declared the hearing open. Bob and Heidi Langenfeld, the owners of the property,
described the proposed changes and provided drawings and pictures. There being no other comment,
the Chair declared the hearing closed and the commission considered the changes as a pending
application for a building permit.
1. Existing windows will be retained when found in good shape Replacement windows to be Marvin,
wood, F,-Z tilt, double-hung, and match originals. The windows in the connection and the garage will
be compatible with the house windows. The proposed new door to be solid, 4-6 panels, with
sidelights. The door is for the new connection between the house and new garage. Ms. Coutu
moved and Ms. Siemens seconded approval of window and door designs; motion carried.
2. The existing addition to be removed and a foyer to connect the existing house kitchen and a new
garage is to be built as shown in provided drawings. Mr. Smith moved and Ms. Coutu seconded
approval of removals and of new foyer and garage designs based on the following findings; motion
m The Commissioners found that the portion to be removed was not original to the building (added
19400, was not compatible with the original (built 1875), and did not have significance in itself.
b. The Commissioners found that the new construction was compatible with the original building as
proportions, stylistic elements and materials were carded through to the new construction.
c. The Commissioners found that the new construction will not be taken for original because there
will not be brick under the stucco and the garage and entry doom will not be 19th Century in
d. The Commissioners found that a pitched roof over the foyer (replacing a flat roof on existing
addition) would make an appropriate transition between the old and new construction.
Mr. Thorsen asked if the nomination forms for National Register properties could be made available
for reviews of proposed changes to the those properties.
Mr. Smith moved and Mr. Thorsen seconded adjournment; motion carried.