1. Roll: Commissioners Anderson, Coutu, Schnirfing, Simacek, Smith and Thorsen present.
2. Minutes of March 7, May 13 and June 18, 1996: Mr. Simacek moved and Ms. Anderson
seconded approval; motion carded.
3. Bills: Ms. Coutu moved and Mr. Simacek seconded approval; motion carded.
Midwest Photo - $34.08 Graphic Design - $1,765.77
IOS - $83.49 Midwest Photo - $98.89
Grainger Inc - $276.56 BT Office - $142.68
IOS - $83.49 Carole Zellie - $1,000
4. Staff & Committee Reports.
Barker House. City staff and Mrs. Addison will be meeting to review progress by both sides
on the feasiblity of her bed & breaksfast proposal.
LeDuc House. The City - Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Committee has
invited the Historical Sodety to their next meeting to discuss the Society's position and plans for the
LeDuc house.
5. Review of building permits or design proposals.
No applications.
6. Unfinished business.
District study. Main points of discussion:
a) coveting demolition and new construction
b) recognizing different levels of signficance
c) covering location of garages, decks, accessory buildings
d) coveting siding options, including lead abatement
e) Secretary's guidelines for National Register; local guidelines for others
f) varied ways to process applications: staff, committee or commission
g) need to be ahead of the game: inform contractors and encourage owners
h) colors - recommendations for periods, not required
i) building permits: cover areas which do not require permit; a completed application form
should fulfill the requirements for a plan and specifications.
j) recognizing different economic circumstances
7. New business.
Vacant position. The Commission will interview persons who have submitted applications
by the next meeting.
8. Adjournment. Mr. Thorsen moved and Ms. Anderson seconded adjournment; motion carded.