1. Roll. Commissioners Anderson, Coutu, Schnirring, Simacek and Smith present; Thorsen absent.
Carole Zellie and John Grossman also present.
2. Minutes of April 8, 1996: No minutes as there was not a quorum in April.
3. Bills. Mr. Schnirring moved and Mr. Simacek seconded approval; motion carried.
a. IOS - $83.49 - copier service
b. Secretary of Interior - $24.00 - two revised standards for rehabilitation
c. Kolor View - $177 - downpayment on postcars
4. Staff & Committee Reports.
County 42, W Second. City staff met with county engineers and state historic preservation
office on fencing, sidewalks, trees and curbs. Every effort is being made to preserve the existing
Barker House. City staffis working with Dianne Addison of Prescott who has made an
offer to invest in the property on the condition that it be deeded to her by the city. Both parties are
reviewing the concept for feasibility.
LeDuc House. A letter from Mayor Werner to the Minnesota Historical Society asking for
a reuse study of the LeDuc house was sent and replied to by Ian Stewart, the Assistant Director.
The MHS is not interested in doing a reuse study at this time. They still anticipate some level of
interpretation, perhaps in conjunction with an appropriate adaptive use in the house. Reconstruction
of the barn is scheduled for early 1997.
Annual workshop report, A staffsummary was distributed.
5. Review of building permits or design proposals.
Jon Dodge requested design approval for new double hung window replacements on the back
of 106 E. Second St. (Commercial Historic District). Stafffound the style of the proposed windows
was appropriate and was essentially the same as the existing windows.
6. Unfinished business.
Historic district study. Carole Zellie provided a draft report, the draft piece (tabloid) and the
draft design guidelines. The commission went through the material with her and made arrangements
for the public meeting on the district proposal to be held 18 June. All owners in the study area are
to be invited by mail. Survey forms to be included.
7. New business.
Commission vacancy. Sandra Weinberg sent a letter of resignation. Commission decided to
look at applications received by next meeting.
8. Adjournment.
Mr~ Simacek moved and Mr. Schnirring seconded adjournment. Motion carried.