1. Roll: Commissioners Smith, Anderson, Thorsen and Simacek present; Coutu, Schnirring and
Weinberg absent. V.Chair Smith called the meeting to order.
2. Minutes of December 11, 1995: Ms. Anderson moved and Mr. Thorsen seconded approval as
printed; motion carried.
Bills: Mr. Simacek moved and Ms. Anderson seconded approval as printed; motion carded.
a. IOS - $75.90 - copier service
b. Dakota County Historical Society - $50 - membership
c. Trophies Plus - $28.75 - presentation plates for paintings
d. Light Impressions - $8.58 - archive supplies
e. Scenic America - $50.00 - membership
f. National Trust for Historic Preservation - $90.00 - membership
g. Landscape Research - $1,500 - planning contract payment
4. Election of 1996 Officers: Mr. Thorsen moved and Mr. Simacek seconded tabling election to
next meeting; motion carded.
5. Staff & Committee Reports.
a. Dale Henning, an archaeologist, gave the HPC a overview of his project. He has been
contracted by SHPO to provide a predictive model for locating sites, using Hastings as the example
location. Some excavation will be done to test the model. He expects to find prehistoric and historic
materials dating from around 2,000 B.C. to 1900 A.D.
b. St. Boniface. The Friends of St. Boniface have until February 3 to appeal. They plan to appeal
the decisions, as well as the amount of the bond required ($50,000). In the meantime demolition has
not started due to asbestos removal considerations.
6. Review of building permits or design proposals.
a. 212 E. Second. (Downtown district, NR) A design for facade changes was submitted by Mr.
& Mrs. Robert Hollenbeck. The work includes opening up the transom windows and raising the
ceiling, repainting, repairing doors and a new sign. Ms. Anderson moved and Mr. Thorsen seconded
approval of the work for a building permit on the grounds that the work meets the standards and
guidelines; motion carried.
7. Unfinished business.
a. Grant application to complete district work in 96-97: Mr. Simacek moved and Ms. Anderson
seconded authorization to apply for a CLG Grant to complete the second phase of the historic district
study with the emphasis on maintaining the traditional appearance of the neighborhoods; motion
b. Leduc House - letter to SHPO on adaptive reuse: Mr. Thorsen moved and Ms. Anderson
seconded direction to send a letter, acceptable to the Mayor and Council, asking the SHPO to
conduct a reuse study of the property.
c. Printing sites guide: quotes not received in time for meeting.
8. New business.
a. Preservation law: Staffwill schedule the City Attorney for the next HPC meeting.
b. DCHS Representative. Mr. Simacek moved and Ms. Anderson seconded appointment of Mr.
Thorsen and the HPC representative to Dakota County Historical Society; motion carried.
9. Adjournment
Mr. Thorsen moved and Ms. Anderson seconded adjournment; motion carried.