1. Roll: Commissioners Anderson, Coutu, Schnirdng, Simacek, Smith, Thorsen and Weinberg
present. Meeting called to order by Chair, Ms. Coutu.
2. Minutes of August 14, 1995: Mr. Schnirring moved and Mr. Simacek seconded approval as
printed; motion carried.
3. Bills: Ms. Anderson moved and Mr. Simacek seconded approval to pay bills; motion carded.
a. Star Gazette - $37.92 - RFP ad
b. 1OS - $151.80 - copier service, Pioneer Room
c. Photofalr - $59.59 - copy original photos
d. R.C. Vogel - $250 - Wilson Park pumphouse study
4. Staff & Committee Reports,
a. St. Boniface: Mr. Thorsen reported that the trial has been postponed to November 6,7
and 8. The parish moved for summary dismissal on 1st amendment grounds. The Friends of
St Boniface meet twice weekly. Their adaptive reuse plan at the moment is arts/theatre.
b. Barker House: The Council will consider a proposal to preserve the house by transfer
with title restrictions at their meeting of October 16. Mr. Thorsen moved and Mr. Simacek
seconded approval for Chair and staff to represent commission in support of replatting and
transfer; motion carried.
c. County 42 Impact on Historic District: County, City and SHPO staff met on October
10th concerning the proposed County 42 resconstruction scheduled for 1996. Mr. Grossman
reported that the Section 106 (federal funding) review will probably report adverse impact and
require some mitigation in design changes.
d. 216 Second St. (Downtown District) garage design approved by HPC changed by
owner/contractor without Building Official's approval. Mr. Simacek moved and Mr. Thorsen
seconded direction to request Building Official to watch for and prevent changes to historic rehab
plans after they have been approved, and to provide a cover sheet advising applicants that
approved plans are not be be changed without referreal to HPC; motion carried.
5. Review of building permits or design prooosals.
a. 106 Second St (Downtown District) Staff reported administrative approval of permit
for replacement of two back second floor windows. Double hung design submitted and
6. Unfinished business.
a. Meeting procedures, bylaws. Commission asked staff to procure some examples for
their study.
b. LeDuc House. Commission asked for examples of reuse studies and discussed
requesting Council to ask MHS to do a formal reuse study for LeDuc House.
7. New business.
a. CLG Grant Contract: The Commissioners considered proposals from Tellus
Consultants Inc and from Landscape Research. The Commissioners compared and discussed the
consultants' approaches to public participation and their background and experience in residential
design districts. Mr. Schnirring moved and Mr. Smith seconded recommendation to council to
award the contract to Landscape Research; motion carried.
8. Adjournment.
Ms. Anderson moved and Mr. Thorsen seconded adjournment; motion tarred.