1. Roll: Commissioners Coutu, Schnirring, Simacek, Weinberg, Thorsen and Smith present;
Anderson absent.
2. Minutes of July 10 and July 19, 1995: Motion by Mr. Schnirring, second by Mr. Smith to
amend minutes (delete second sentence of new business) of July 10; motion carried. Motion by
Mr. Smith, second by Mrs. Weinberg to approve both minutes; motion carried.
3. Bills: Motion by Mr. Schnirring, second by Mr. Smith to approve payment; motion carried.
a. Lucy Hoffman - plaque - $25.00
b. Light Impressions - photo archive material - $254.55
c. Preservation Alliance - membership - $35.00
d. IOS - copier maintenance - $75.90
e. Star Gazette - legal notice - $40.88
4. Staff report.
a. St. Boniface: Judge Spicer directed The Friends of St Boniface and St Elizabeth Ann
Seton to mediate before returning to court. The session is scheduled for August 17 in Northfield.
The City will not participate.
b. Barker House: City staff continues effort to resolve plat problems with the neighbors
preliminary to asldng for proposals for the preservation of the property.
c. Gardner House: The HRA has offered loan funds to Mr. Neill for facade
improvements to front of the Gardner Tavern as approved by the HPC.
d. Potter's Field: The state historic review of the County 42 project asked for information
concerning small burial area in a ravine below Lakeside Cememtary which would be affected
by the upcoming reconstruction.
5. Review of buildim, permits or desi~,n proposals.
216 Second St. E (NR). Addition to back, repainting. Mr. Simacek reported for the
committee (Coutu, Thorsen) that met the owner at the site. Original material and design would
not be adversely affected, so building permit release recommended. Motion by Mr. Schnirring,
second by Mrs. Weinberg to approve; motion carded.
6. Unfinished business.
a. Discussion: preservation commission meetings, property rights and civic
- responsiblities.
b. CLG grant for 1995196: Commission considered scope of work, and directed that RFP
include: consultant to meet with HPC on districts and guidelines; neighborhood meetings to be
held with consultant; registration forms for some key properties; draft residential guidelines.
Motion by Smith, second by Thorsen to advertise for proposals; motion carried.
7. New business.
a. Staff relayed Parks Department request for funding of historic survey of Wilson Park,
not to exceed $250. Motion by Mr. Smith, second by Mr. Simacek to approve; motion carded.
b. Staff described proposal made to Minnesota Historical Society by Mr. and Mrs.
Sievers for private use of LeDuc House, with some public support. Motion by Mr. Smith,
second by Mr. Thorsen directing staff to write MHS along the following lines: (1) MHS should
solicit more proposals (2) there should be some criteria for selection (3) periodic but perpetual
visition should be guaranteed (4) HPC should be consulted as the LeDuc is a community issue
(5) public support and real estate tax considerations in the case of private use have to be
understood; motion carried.
c. Mailings. Commissioners discussed direct contact with owners of historic properties,
particularly well-preserved and maintained, to encourage and recognize their stewardship.
d. Books. Mr. Thorsen moved and Mrs. Weinberg seconded authorization to purchase
copies of Planning to Stay for the Hastings library and How Buildings Learn for the Preservation
Library; motion carried.
8. Ad_ioumment. Motion by Smith, second by Thorsen; motion carded.