Commissioners Anderson, Weinberg and Simacek took their oath of office prior to the Council
Meeting at 7 p.m.
1. R011: Commissioners Anderson, Coutu, Simacek, Smith, Schnirring, Thorsen and Weinberg.
2. Minutes of May 8 and June 12. 1995. Mr. Schnirring moved and Mr. Thorsen seconded
approval as printed; motion carried.
3. Bill~, Mr. Smith moved and Ms. Anderson seconded approval; motion carried.
IOS - $75.90 for May and $75.90 for June - copier maintenance
Trophies Plus - $20.16 - art donation plates
Traditional Building - $18 - subscription
Old House Journal - $24 - subscription
4. Staff reoort,
a. Barker House: A neighbor has come to the City to straighten out the lot lines in order
to acquire the Barker property, and would agree to preserve it.
b. CLG grant for 1995/96; SHPO requested reconsideration of scope of work; may be
too ambitious. Staff will discuss with SHPO.
c. Archeolo~,ical survey; SHPO notified City that an archaeological survey will be done
of Hastings as an example and test case. There will be no cost to City.
5. Review of buildine bermits or design prooo~al$,
a. Gardner House. 217 E Second. NR, A committee met with the new owner, Rob
Neill, and reported. Mr. Schnirring moved and Ms. Anderson seconded approval of the
following features for repairing and replacing material on the tavern portion of the property;
motion carried.
Main window replaced with two panes and the lower sill dropped to bulkhead height
about 2 feet above the sidewalk. Side window replaced same size and location.
Transoms retained and same pattern added above doors.
Doors replaced with Pease 316E or similar paneled style with 3/4 glass.
Porch woodwork repaired. With exception of lower sill of main window, all tavern
woodwork retained, repaired and painted.
Mr. Smith moved and Mr. Thorsen seconded a recommendation to the Hastings HRA for
financial assistance for this work; motion carried.
b. Atwood-Smith (Howes-Graus) 718 Vgrmillion - NR, Mr. Smith described the work
in progress and planned. Some rotted moldings, clapboards and details are being replaced in
approval. Motion carried 6-0, Mr. Smith abstained.
6. Unfinished l~usine~,
How to conduct a Preservation Commission Meeting and Property Rights and Civic
Responsibilities. Tabled.
7. New business.
Ms. Thorsen, a citizen of Hastings, appealed to the HPC to make a statement of support
for the preservation of St Boniface. Ms. Anderson moved and Mr. Thorsen seconded a motion
that the HPC regrets the announced plan to demolish the church and commence a study of the
eligibility of the church for local preservation. Coutu asked if that included hearing public
comment as required by the ordinance. That was included by consent of the mover and
seconder. Motion carried; ayes: Mr. Smith, Ms. Anderson, Mr. Thorsen, Ms. Weinberg, Ms.
Coutu; nays: Mr. Schnirring; abstain: Mr. Simacek.
8. Adjournment.
Mr. Smith moved and Ms. Anderson seconded adjournment; motion carried.