1. Chairman Simacek called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.; Commissioners Coutu, Goderstad
and Simacek present, Fuchs, Smith and Thorsen absent.
2. Minutes of November 9, 1994. Mr. Goderstad moved and Ms. Coutu seconded approval;
motion carded.
3. Bills
John Grossman - 30.09 - milage and parking MHS
1OS - 69.00 - copier maintenance
Ms. Coutu moved and Mr. Goderstad seconded approval; motion carried.
4. Permit Reviews
100 Sibley, non-contributing, Commercial Historic District. B&S Properties requested
approval to enlarge windows on north side of second floor to allow river views for diners. The
three enlarged windows will be the same type as the three across the front of the building:
prepainted metal frames and two vertical dividers. Mr. Goderstad moved and Ms. Coutu
seconded approval on the grounds that the north wall does not have architectural features
(otherwise blank), and not having an affect on adjacent facades or neighboring buildings (being
5. Staff Reports
Applications for membership were received from Anne Anderson and Erwin Schnirring.
Both have the qualifications. Commissioners asked that they be invited to the next meeting so
they can meet and exchange views on preservation.
6. New business
a. St. Boniface - not listed national or local.
Sharon Swanson attended the meeting to ask if the Commission had considered the
possible demolition of St. Boniface Church. Staff reported that Carole Zellie, who had surveyed
the city, thought St. Boniface was significant enough for nomination to the National Register.
The original design is basically intact, inside and out, giving it more integrity than most
chumhes of its age and type. Mrs. Swanson said that the parish had not been asked what should
be done with the building. The new St. Elisabeth Ann Seton church being complete, St.
Boniface is no longer in use.
The Commissioners asked staff to contact the church staff to determine their plans, if
any, and discuss nomination to the National Register.
County Road 42 through W. Second Regidential I-Ii~torie Bi~trlet.
Public Works Director Montgomery asked the commission to comment on the plans for
the improvment of County 42 - W. Second Street within the District. Different commissioners
studied the plans and talked to the neighborhood in the past few weeks. Mr. Goderstad moved
and Ms. Coutu seconded the following response for Mr. Montgomery. The work does not
appear to have a serious impact on the historic and architectural character of the district. The
commission recommends deleting 10' parking lane on south side and replacing it with a wider
boulevard to preserve the existing trees and hitching posts - two/three car parking bays preferred
where trees and posts not threatened - and that the sidewalks be scored into smaller squares.
Motion carded.
7. Adjournment. Mr. Goderstad moved and Ms. Coutu seconded; motion carried.