I. Commissioners Simacek, Goderstad, Coutu and Thorsen present, Fuchs and Smith absent.
Carole Zellie and John Grossman also present.
2. Minutes of March 30, 1994. Approval moved by Ms. Coutu and seconded by Mr. Simacek;
motion carded.
3. Bills. Approval moved by Mr. Thorsen and seconded by Ms. Coutu; motion carried.
Star Gazette - picture books - $63.80
National Trust - membership - $120
Preservation Alliance - membership - $35.00
Photofair - negatives & prints - $18.46
Guy Engineering - structural - $690.00
MHS - CLG workship - $100
lOS - copier maintenance - $69 per month
4. Summary of Survey: Carole Zellie summarized the findings of the 1993/1994 survey project,
answered questions and made suggestions for future work. Copy of summary attached.
5. Staff Reports
a. Membership. Mr. Simacek and Mr. Goderstad will complete their 3rd terms on
January 31st and cannot be reappointed at this time. Marie Coutu and Dick Fuchs will complete
their 1st term and may be reappointed if they wish. As nominations should be sent to the city
council in December, the commissioners agreed to bring suggestions to the next meeting.
Qualifications for commissioners were reviewed.
b. Operating Procedures. Staff suggested that the commission consider meeting on a
regular monthly schedule in order to maintain more continuity and review throughout the year.
Staff will not be able to devote more hours to the HPC, so the Chairperson will have to be able
to invest the time necessary to keep up with HPC business. The commissioners wil have to take
charge of projects and committee assignments. The Commissioners agreed to start meeting on
the second Wednesday of each month, starting in October.
6. Old business
a. Barker House. The structural study was done last June at a cost of $690, and found
the building sound and able to support reconstruction. Two more items needing solution are the
lack of water and sanitary sewer, and the location of the house in the north east comer of the
lot, without a front or east side setback.
- b. Pioneer volunteers. Dick Darsow has arranged for the construction of artifact display
cases for the west two niches in the City HaH rotunda. The cost will be donated.
7. New business
a. The Preservation Alliance will hold thier Annual Meeting at City Hall on October
23rd. All commissioners are invited. Mr. and Mrs. Goderstad are in charge of refreshments.
RSVP will be expected.
b. Budgets for 1994 & 1995. Appropriated funds for 1994 are almost completely spent
because of the Barker House structural study and the monthly maintenance of the copier in the
Pioneer room ($69/mo). The 1995 budget will have funds for contract expert work and for the
the copier, in addition to the normal operations. There will also be funds to purchase reference
books of advice for restorations.
c. Planning & Grant funds for 1995. The next grant cycle for which the city can apply
will be coming up late this year, for 1995/1996 funds. Each grant does cost the HPC about
$2,500 and the City about $3,500 to match the grant. Discussion to be continued.
d. Nominations for Heritage Preservation Site. Two completed forms have been received
this year: St. Lukes Episcopal Church and 816 Eddy. Direction to prepare the nominations for
council was moved by Ms. Coutu and seconded by Mr. Thorsen. Motion carded.
8. Adjournment. Mr. Goderstad moved and Mr. Thorsen seconded adjournment; motion