1. Roll. Commissioners Simacek, Warg, Sovik-Siemens, Coutu, Goderstand and Thorsen
present; Chairman Thorsen called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
2. 521 Tyler - Rick Harrington. Non-contributing; Old Hastings District. Mr. Warg moved
and Mr. Goderstand seconded approval of the application based on these findings.
A. The owners have built a new garage on the back of the property and ask approval to side it
with vinyl this fall. The owners also asked for a ruling on residing the house with vinyl at this
time so that, if approved, they could reside the house to match next year.
a. The siding would represent four inch lap.
b. The color of the vinyl siding would be olive green.
c. The fascia and comer posts would be wood and painted maroon.
d. The window and door frames will be built out with wood to extend beyond the surface
of the siding.
e. Aluminum siding will be removed.
B. Existing conditions.
1. This property is noncontributing to the district because it no longer represents one style, period
or type of construction, and because it has already been resided with aluminum.
2. The property consists of two houses combined, a two-story possible Greek Revival, and a one
story with front porch, possible Vernacular. There was an addition built onto the back of each,
and a further addition to widen the first floor on the south side. Some of the doors and windows
are replacements. When resided with aluminum, the soffits, window and door frames were
wrapped and architectural detail, if any, removed.
3. Original siding, visible in three areas which had not been covered, is four- inch clapboard with
many nail holes and cracks. The original clapboards appear to have been covered with a vapor
barrier under half inch fibreboard before siding which may contribute to the dampness which was
felt near the foundation.
4. The property is on the edge of the historic district, between and across the street from non-
contributing properties. The adjacent houses are non-contributing because of their age and
appearance. Most have been resided or extensively remodeled.
C. Criteria:
Code, Sct. 2.18, Subd. 6, E. Criteria, 1. Proposed alteration.