1. Roll. Commissioners Simacek, Coutu, Thorsen, Sovik-Siemens and Smith present; Schnirring and
Warg absent; Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Thorsen.
2. Minutes of the meeting of March 17, 1997: Mr. Simacek moved and Ms. Sovik-Siemens
seconded approval as written; motion carried.
3. Bills. Ms. Coutu moved and Mr. Simacek seconded approval as printed; motion carried.
BE Office - $69.86 - copy paper for Pioneer Room
4. Review of building permits or design proposals.
A. Jim and Apryl Wagner, 215 E. Sixth Street. Old Hastings Historic District,
contributing. Application to demolish and replace garage in the back yard. From the application,
photos and site plan provided, and Mr. Wagner's comments, the Commission understands the roof
pitch, siding lap and colors will all match the house. The existing garage is not a historic structure
so no original material or design (the garage appears to date from post 1940) will be covered or lost.
The location meets both zoning code and design guidelines. The only design issue is vinyl siding.
The guidelines provide that new or residing on garages in inconspicuous locations may be treated as
an exception. Mr. Simacek moved and Mr. Smith seconded approval for a permit to demolish and
replace garage; motion carried, 5-0.
B. Angela Wilcox and Joe Melson, 314 W. Second Street. West Second Residential
Historic District, NR - contributing. Application to reside with vinyl. From the application,
photos, trade publication and comments of the owners, the Commission understands that the plan
is to cover the existing siding with insulation and new siding but not take the existing siding off. The
owners gave the following reasons: 1) cost of vinyl siding versus cost of painting over time, 2)
nmintenance free versus maintenance of wood siding, 3) possible presence of lead paint on exterior,
4) energy efficiency. The owners stated they knew the house was in an historic district when they
purchased the property in February, but did not understand the restrictions on changes until the
former owner passed on the HPC's March 1998 letter including Design Guidelines.
In the National Register District nomination, the house is listed as "contributing" but there are
no old photographs or historic information about this house other than being dated to 1880. The
appearance of this house is similar to houses shown in old photographs 84 and 85 in the Handbook.
The back picture window appears to have been added. Most of the siding, comer boards and fascia
appear to be original and distinctive of the period. Much of the paint is scaling and some siding needs
to be replaced. The owners replaced the shingles earlier this year.
Mr. Smith moved and Ms. Sovik-Siemens seconded that a building permit would not be
approved for residing the house with vinyl based on the following findings:
1. Siding with vinyl is not consistent with the objectives of the preservation ordinance and
designation of historic districts in that the proposed alteration will "adversely impair the significance
or character of the Heritage Preservation Site" The historic character of a building is largely
established by the building style and materials, both of which will be concealed by siding. (Sect. 2.18,
Sub. 6. Review of Permits, E. 1. Criteria, City Code)
2. The proposed alteration is not consistent with the Secretary of Interior's Standards for
Rehabilitation of National Register properties adopted by reference in the ordinance:"The Historic
character of a property shall be retained and preserved. The removal of historic materials or
alteration of features and spaces that characterize a property shall be avoided." Sub. 6. E. 1. (f).
3. The proposed alteration is not consistent with the ItPC guidelines for historic residential
districts: "Buildings originally clad in wooden siding should not be resurfaced with brick...or vinyl
or aluminum siding."
4. This does not seem to be a dear case of financial hardship in that the owners have an
escrow for scraping and painting, and they are able to spend $9,900 for siding.
Motion carried, ayes 4, nays 1 (Simacek).
C. John & Colette Penn, 401 E. 5th St. Old Hastings Historic District. Application for
building permit to reroof. Statfapproved on the grounds that the appearance would not be changed.
5. Staff & Committee Reports.
The CLG grant for individual nominations was awarded by the State Review Board for the
amount requested $6,200. Mr. Smith moved and Ms. Coutu seconded approval to advertise for
proposals; motion carded.
6. Unfinished business.
The Commission reviewed draft conservation area language.
7. New business.
P~ The annual CLG Training will be held in Faribault, at Shattuck School, on Saturday, May
16. Members who are able to attend will noti~, the staff.
B. James and Chris Condon, 409 E 5th, asked if the HPC would consider adding their house
to the Old Hastings Historic District. Staffdirected to ask them to attend a meeting.
8. Adjournment.
Ms. Coutu moved and Mr. Simacek seconded adjournment; motion carded.