1. RolL Commissioners Coutu, Schnirring, Simacek, Sovik-Siemens and Warg present; Smith and
Thorsen absent. Staff: Grossman. Meeting called to order by Chairperson Coutu at 7 p.m.
2. Minute~ of the meeting of November 18, 1997. Mr. Schnirring moved and Ms. Coutu seconded
approval; motion carried.
3. Bills. Ms. Sovik Siemens moved and Mr. Simacek seconded approval; motion carried.
National Trust - $90 - membership
Dakota County Historical Society - $50 - membership
Old House Journal - $27 - subscription
4. Review of building permits or design proposals.
No applications at this time
5. Staff & Committee Reports.
LeDuc House update. The Historical Society placed the house under their Southern District
Manager, Tom Ellig, and will be hiring a LeDuc site manager in 1998.
6. Unfinished business.
A. Draft conservation area ordinance. The Commission revised language prepared by
committee. Another draf~ will be considered at next meeting.
B. Grant application for individual site registration and designation. Mr. Schnirring moved
and Ms. Sovik Siemens seconded approval of application. A special meeting will be held if necessary
to reduce the list of potential individual sites. Motion carried.
7. New business.
A. Heritage Festival. Ms. Coutu and Ms. Sovik Siemens volunteered to discuss with the
Downtown Association.
B. Election, Chair & Vice Chair. Tabled to February.
C. Comprehensive Plan language. To be considered in February.
D. Membership. Staff to ask former applicants about interest.
8. Adjournment.
Mr. Schnirring moved and Mr. Simacek seconded adjournment; motion carried.