1. Roll
Commissioners Coutu, Simacek, Goderstad, and Smith present, Thorsen and Fuchs
absent; Staff: Grossman.
2. Minutes of the meeting of May 10, 1993.
Mr. Smith moved and Mr. Goderstad seconded approval as printed; motion carried.
3. Selection of consultant for phase two of the preservation plan, the survey.
Two proposals were received, Tellus Environmental and Landscape Research. Copies
were distributed for review one week before the meeting. The commissioners discussed the
proposals. The differences between the two were as follows. Landscape noted first and Tellus
second, the images: photographs compared to digitalized video; the report: written compared to
computerized data base; the method: personal survey and recording in field compared to video
team field recording. Commissioners agreed that the Landscape method was preferable, but that
a data base would also be valuable. Having just completed the context study, Landscape
Research would be more familiar with Hastings.
Mr. Goderstad moved and Mr. Smith seconded that the Council be asked to enter into
a contract with Landscape Research. Motion carried.
4. Review of current preservation/rehabilitation/remodeling projects.
a. Masonic Block. Mr. Schoen has started the third floor apartments as he proposed and
had approved last year. The windows are double hung as recommended by the HPC.
b. Strauss House. The owner has inquired through a contractor about removing the
stucco and rebuilding the porch. None of the commissioners knew of early photos that would
indicate what the building looked like prior to its present appearance.
c. Mairs House. Mr. & Mrs. Coutu will be starting the rehab this fall and winter. The
plans are unchanged since they were approved in May. They will keep the HPC informed as
they progress.
5. Collection, preservation and access to historic materials in city hall.
The commissioners discussed what type of material should be accepted, as there is a limit
to the storage. Maintaining the collection will be a volunteer effort. A donor record and donor
release form will be adopted. There must be a definite Hastings provenance to the material:
descriptive or illustrative or produced in Hastings. Simple ownership by a Hastings resident,
without adding to the record of Hastings is not enough in itself. Art, photographs and
manuscripts will be priority collections because they are descriptive but not bulky. The HPC
will need help with a cataloging system.
6. Adjournment
Mr. Goderstad moved and Mr. Smith seconded adjournment.