1. Roll
Present: Commissioners Simacek, Coutu, Smith; absent: Commissioners Fuchs,
Thorsen and Goderstad.
Others: John Grossman and Carole Zellie
2. Minutes
Smith moved and Coutu seconded approval of the minutes of January 27, 1993.
Motion carried, 3-0.
3. Review of context study with Carole Zellie
Discussion of the brochure which will be printed as part of this contract brought
up the questions of audience, distribution and message. The emphasis will be on
the importance of preservation first, and on the HPC itself second. Ms. Coutu
proposed a brochure design based on a house front. Ms. Zellie passed around a
mockup of the interior showing headings and illustration spots.
The contexts developed to date shown on the attached outline were reviewed. The
research sources, including maps and census records were reviewed. Ms. Zellie
compared the physical pattern of Hastings with Red Wing and Winona. First draft
of the report will be sent to the commissioners before the end of the month. The
commission will reply and meet with Ms. Zellie again in May.
4. Problem of subdividing large lots in old neighborhoods
Discussion covered the desireability of commission jurisdiction over subdivisons,
and the criteria that could be applied to neighborhoods not quite of historic district
quality. Ms. Zellie recommended that if an area can be defined on the basis of
internal design features, the district be set up to regulate those features. Keep it
simple by selecting a few things that make the most difference, such as building
sizes, set backs, lot size or frontage, roof angles, sidewalks, boulevard trees, or
garage locations.
Mr. Smith moved and Ms. Coutu seconded a recommendation to council that staff
be asked to develope the ordinance structure for such a district. Motion carried,
5. Consideration of recommendation for commission vacancy.
After discussion, the commissioners agreed with Mr. Darsow that his views on
residing would not be compatible with the Secretary of Interior's standards of
rehabilitation that the HPC is expected to maintain.
6. New or unfinished business.
Mr. Grossman noted that the City had received an $8,000 grant to cont'mue the
preservation planning effort with the survey stage.
7. Adjournment.
Ms. Coutu moved and Mr. Smith seconded. Motion carried, 3-0.