Minutes of the Meeting of March 28~ 1990
Present: Commissioners Malm,
Stoneberg; Staff Grossman
Simacek, Goderstad, Smith, and
Absent: Commissioners Hoeschen and Thorsen
1. Appointment of Comm%ssioners.
Mayor Stoffel administered the oath of office to Robert Stoneberg
and Richard Smith, appointed by the Mayor and Council for three
year terms commencing March 1, 1990.
2. Minutes of the Meeting of February 28, 1990.
Mr. Goderstad moved and Mr. Malm seconded approval of the minutes.
Motion approved 5-0.
Committee Assignments.
Grants committee: work with the State Historic Preservation Office
to take advantage of grant programs and to coordinate local
activities with available funding opportunities. Goal: one grant
application each year, prepared by December 1st.
Mr. Goderstad, Mr. Smith, Mr. Stoneberg and Mr. Malm volunteered
for this committee.
Survey committee: work year around on identification, research,
writing, recommendation and registration of heritage preservation
sites. Goal: one new registration approved by City Council and SHPO
each year, by October 1st.
Mr. Goderstad, Mr. Smith and Mr. Stoneberg volunteered for this
Education committee: work with existing registered property owners,
on call and ongoing, to advise, assist and prepare preservation
plans for their properties. Goal: to provide one mailing, meeting,
publication or event for the public each year as a means of
preservation education and promotion.
Mr. Simacek, Mr. Thorsen and Mr. Malm volunteered for this
Permit committee: on call of city staff meet with applicants for
building, remodeling, moving or demolition permits; decide to issue
no change certificate or to call public meeting for review. Serve
as coordinating committee on specific preservation problems when
they arise.
Mr. Simacek, Mr. Thorsen and Mr. Hoeschen volunteered for this
· committee.
4. Time and Taste Workshop for Preservation Week
The Commission will co-sponsor this workshop presentation by
Charles Nelson of the State Historic Preservation Office on
Saturday, May 19, 1990. The workshop will be held at Pillars from
9 a.m. to 3 p.m. All commissioners are urged to attend.
5. Annual CLG Workshop
In order to maintain Hasting's certification, some members of the
Commission must attend the annual training workshop. This will be
held at Fort Snelling on Saturday, April 21. Commissioners
Goderstad, Thorsen and Smith volunteered to attend.
Remodeling of Masonic Block, a National Register property
Mr. Schoen, the owner, asked the Commission to review the following
proposals. Building Permits have not been applied for as yet.
1. Remodel the top floor for five new apartments.
2. Replace existing top floor windows (not original) with full-
frame, double-hung windows.
3. Install one new window, to match above, on the north side of the
top floor and one new window, to match above, on the east (back)
side of the top floor. The door would provide access to a deck on
the adjacent building.
4. Build a three story secondary access structure flush with the
back (east) wall of the Masonic Block.
a. Mr. Schoen proposes that exterior material will be a brick
veneer. The specific material and color has not been selected or
provided to the HPC.
b. The structure will be eight feet deep from the existing
back wall. Access from the third floor will be a door made from a
window opening and from the second floor, an existing door. All
existing fire escapes can be removed.
c. Mr. Fuchs, the architect, will prepare additional drawings
showing the appearance of the structure on the back wall after cost
estimates are completed.
Mr. Goderstad moved and Mr. Smith seconded the following approvals
to be communicated to the City Building Inspector. Motion Approved,
5 - 0.
1. Approval of the five apartments as they do not impact the
exterior appearance of the building.
2. Approval for replacement of top floor windows as an improvement
over the existing windows. The existing windows are smaller than
the frames and have plywood inserts. The replacement windows must
be full-frame, double-hunG, with brown color surface.
3. Approval of the one door and window on the north side and the
one window on the east (back) side to provide natural light, air
and another exist from the apartments. The windows must be the same
desian as the above replacements. The door may be metal, but brown
in color and preferably with four or six panels.
4. As the consensus of the building official, architect and owner
seems to be that the exterior secondary access is preferable to an
interior secondary access which would mean rather drastic cutting
and rebuilding of floors, walls, windows and doors; and as
there are no permitted substitutes for the secondary access, the
commission approves the concept of this exterior access structure,
but they withhold approval of a buildinq permit for this work
a. The design is more complete and drawings are provided for
commission review, and
b. Samples of the exterior materials proposed for use are
provided for commission review.
The commission's intent is to let Mr. Schoen know that he can
continue to plan an exterior access, but that the commission cannot
approve a building permit for work without the final design and
materials. The commission expressed a strong preference for brick
or brick-like veneer of a color close to or compatible with
adjacent walls.
Building permit may be released for all the work except for the
exterior access.
7. LeDuo House
Mr. Malm moved and Mr. Goderstad seconded that the Mayor and
Council be requested to designate the HPC to work with the
Minnesota Historical Society on the future of the LeDuc House.
Motion approved, 5-0.
S. Walking Tours
Mr. Stoneberg and Mr. Goderstad suggested rewriting and printing a
walking tour of historic sites as an annual project.
9. Adjournment
Mr. Goderstad moved and Mr. Stoneberg seconded adjournment.
Approved, 5-0.