Minutes of the Meeting of September 12, Z990
Present: Commissioners Simacek, Malm, Goderstad, Stoneberg, Smith,
Thorsen; John Grossman.
Absent: Commissioner Hoeschen.
Chairman Simacek called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
1. Approval of the minutes of the meeting of March 28th, 1990.
Moved by Goderstand and seconded by Smith; motion carried, 6-0.
Z. Nomination of the the Shaller Building, 313 Ramsey.
Move by Malm and seconded by Stoneberg to approve the nomination
and forward to the SHPO for comment; motion carried, 6-0.
3. Nomination of the Johnson House, 401 W. 5th.
Moved by Malm and seconded by Smith to prepare nomination for
consideration and forward to SHPO for comment; motion carried, 6-0.
4. Grants Committee
Chairman Smith announced a meeting of the committee at his
residence on Wednesday next.
5. Financlal Report
Mr. Grossman reviewed the fund balances of the HPC as of August
31st as attached. The city Finance officer has asked that the mural
money be removed from city accounts, not being public funds. The
funds will be transferred to the Downtown Association, a private
non-profit, with the approval of Jan Ostberg, the Chairman of the
Mural Committee.
He also noted that the HPC will have to start requesting a
small level of funding for their operations. The balance of non-
dedicated funds will probably be spent during 1991. The
publications budget is a rotating fund dedicated to printing
historic publications.
6. File Cabinet
Ethel Theiling asked for two file cabinets for the Jacobsen
collection in the Court House. The city will buy one and the HPC
is asked to buy one. Malm moved and Smith seconded approval to pay
for one file cabinet at a cost of about $310; motion carried, 6-0.
7. Building permit= work on the back of 120/122 E. Second.
The owner, Ken Judge, will ask for a building permit to make
repairs to the back of the building. Grossman reviewed the work
and the recommendation of the committee. Thorsen moved and Malm
seconded approval to release the building permit; motion carried,
8. Bills
a. Fair Book - cataloging material - $17.64
b. Minn. Pres. Alliance - membership - $35.00
c. National Trust - membership - $75.00
d. Fair Book - cataloging material - $8.93
Smith moved and Stoneberg seconded payment of the bills; motion
carried, 6-0.
9. New Business
a. Goderstad moved and Stoneberg seconded to commend Paul
Kranz for roofing and painting the Kranz house in a historically
accurate and tasteful way. Motion carried, 6-0.
b. Thorsen volunteered for the HRA focus group on park
10. Adjournment
Malm moved and Thorsen seconded adjournment; motion carried,