HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090615 - VIII-C-5MEMORANDUM
TO: honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers
FROM: Dave Osberg, City Administrator
DATE: June 11, 2009
SUBJECT: Resolution-Comments on Highway 61 Hastings Bridge Project EA
It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached "Resolution of the City Council of the
City of Hastings Offering Comments on the Highway 61 Hastings Bridge Project Environmental
Assessment and Draft Section 4(~ Evaluation. "
Staff reported to the City Council at the June 1, 2009 meeting on the need to comment on the
Environmental Assessment prior to the June 17, 2009. Adoption of this Resolution autiines the
comments and concerns of the City regarding the pending Highway 61 bridge project.
Throughout the last month, Staff has conducted three internal meetings to review and comment
on the significant document, which was released about two months ago by MnDOT. Each Staff
member involved in the project was tasked with reading the document and preparing notes for
consideration to include in the attached Resolution. Staff assisting in the preparation of the
Resolution included Police Chief Mike McMenomy, Fire Chief Mike Schutt, EDRA Director
John Grossman, Planning Director John Hinzman, City Engineer Nick Egger, Public Works
Director Tom Montgomery, and Parks and Recreation Director Barry Bernstein. As the City
Council will note, there are numerous topics in which comments were offered in the Resolution.
It is also Staff's intent to continue meeting with MnDOT Staff throughout the balance of the
project, offering comments and suggestions on the entire depth of the project, as our bi-weekly
meetings with MnDOT Staff have been very beneficial maintaining. the needed dialogue on such
a significant project.
The City Council is encouraged to review closely the major points outlined in the Resolution to
assure the most signif cant topics are included in this official Resolution that is intended to offer
the City's officials comments on the EA and Draft Section 4{f) Evaluation. Recognize the
additional opportunities which will remain for the City Council and City Staff to engage in
discussions with MnDOT throughout the course of the entire Highway 61 Hastings Bridge
Project. Should there be comments or suggestions during the course of the meeting on Monday
June 15, 2009, those can be incorporated in the final Resolution prior to the submittal deadline of
Wednesday June 17, 2009.
David M. Osberg
City Administrate
Resolution of the City Council of the City of Hastings
Offering Comments on the
Highway 61 Hastings Bridge Project
Environmental Assessment and Draft
Section 4(f) Evaluation
WHEREAS, The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT} has
indentified the Highway 61 Hastings Bridge as not having structural redundancy nor the
functional capability for current or future projected traffic; thereby creating a need for
replacement of said Bridge; and
WHEREAS, MnDOT has determined the project will consist of a replacement of
the existing Highway 61 Bridge over the Mississippi River in the City of Hastings with
one four-lane bridge or two two-lane bridges; and
WHEREAS, The project will also include the construction of a ring road on the
north side of the river for safer vehicle access to Highway 61 and safer pedestrian
crossing of the highway; and
WHEREAS, The Environmental Assessment (EA) provides background
information on the need for the proposed improvements, alternatives, environmental
impacts and mitigation, and agency coordination and public involvement for the proposed
bridge replacement project and road construction project on Highway 61; and
WHEREAS, The EA is also used to provide sufficient environmental
documentation to determine the need for an Environmental Impact Statement or that a
1~inding Of No Significant Impact is appropriate; and
WHEREAS, Written comments on the EA will be received until June 17, 2009
and will be included in the official record, and the comments received will be considered
in deciding whether there is the potential for this project to result in significant impacts to
the environment and whether an EIS is needed.
A.) Mississippi River Trail. Considerable effort must be made by MnDOT to
recognize the importance of the Mississippi River Trail and the fact it is of
national significance, with benefits that expand beyond the City of Hastings.
Further reference in the EA and other supporting documents should properly
characterize the trail as the Mississippi River Trail and eliminate its reference
as the Hastings Loop Trail. The importance of the connection needed from the
Highway 61 Bridge project to the existing trail under the bridge should be
more significantly emphasized in the EA document. Furthermore, any adverse
impacts to the trail located behind the Hudson facility adjacent to the
Mississippi River must be properly mitigated.
B.} Anti-Icing Facility. The City of Hastings opposes locating any anti-icing
facility on the south side of the bridge in the- vicinity of Downtown Hastings, a
National Register Historic District. The entire footprint of the anti-icing
facility must be kept to a minimum, thus assuring a reasonably positive visual
quality on the north side of the bridge. Furthermore, should MnDOT be
unable construct the anti-icing facility under the bridge, it should be
constructed in the confines of the embankment.
C.) Bird Strikes. The EA includes contradictory information regarding
prevalence of migratory bird strikes and mitigation measures. Page #47 of the
EA states the "Hastings Bridge is located in a developed area and not within
an area of extensive natural riverine habitat that would attract concentrations
of migratory birds." Although the EA does not predict an extensive quantity
of migratory birds, a number of mitigation measures have been outlined to
limit the impact of bird strikes. The mitigation measures restrict bridge height
and lighting and are not necessary if migratory birds are not present.
D.) Staging Area. Future reference to the staging area in the vicinity of Jaycee
Park must properly reflect the fact it is owned by the City of Hastings.
Restoration to its existing condition, at no expense to the City of Hastings is
of extreme importance to the City of Hastings and must remain a priority to
MnDOT. With the proposed staging azea near Lake Rebecca, this will create a
large volume of trafl=lc, specifically at the intersection of West 2na Street and
Spring Street. Proper monitoring of traffic management will be important, at
this area, and also during rush hour due to the large volume of traffic that
travels Highway 55 by way of Spring Lake Park, through town to the 3ra
Street bridge access area.
E.} Social & Economic Impacts. The proposed 3-4 year construction time frame
will impact travel and business to downtown Hastings. The EA recognizes
vehicular access, noise, and dust will be detrimental to downtown business
owners during bridge construction. Limiting impact to downtown businesses
must remain a priority during bridge construction Any use of explosives
during construction must include a mitigation plan that includes removal and
delivery on a daily basis, with no overnight storage. .
F.) Preference of Bridge Type. The City of Hastings is strongly in support of
MnDOT constructing a Cable Stayed Bridge. Throughout its 152 year history,
Hastings has been at the forefront of landmark bridges, being the first and
only City to have a Spiral Bridge, and the first City in Minnesota to have a
Steel Tied Arch Continuous Truss Bridge. As a significant river City, it is
imperative another legacy bridge is constructed in Hastings and a Cable
Stayed Bridge would continue that legacy as the first of its kind in the State of
Minnesota built to carry vehicular traffic.
The City is opposed to a box girder bridge, in particular due to the deeper
structure required to carry the load carrying members at or below deck level,
because this type of bridge would take an additional year to huild compared to
the other alternatives, and because this type of bridge has risen to ubiquity in
the State of Minnesota, thereby impairing its ability to be distinctive or
G.) Recreational Boating. It is imperative that MnDOT understand the
importance of recreational boating in this area of the Mississippi River, both
during and after construction, and that all efforts are undertaken to assure such
opportunities. Closure of the navigation channel during the course of
construction must be kept to a minimum.
H.) Traffic Calming. All efforts should be made to assure extensive traffic
calming measures are properly implemented throughout the entire stretch of
the bridge project limits.
I.) Physical Sensitivity of Historic Districts. MnDOT must be especially
sensitive to the needs of the historical buildings in the area near downtown,
and in particular the City Hall building as it relates to vibration, blasting and
any construction activities that would have an impact on the facilities. As
noted on Page # 14, all efforts must include a commitment to recognize that
"the downtown district is one of the essential elements that sets Hastings apart
from other cities. The proposed project needs to be consistent with the
adjacent neighborhoods." While the City understands "the location and
magnitude of construction vibrations cannot be fully assessed until the final
design phase of the project, it is imperative that timely and thorough
communication with property owners who may effected by vibration be a
primary mission of MnDOT.
J.) Tree Mitigation. MnDOT must comply with and is encouraged to exceed the
tree mitigation policy of the City of Hastings, in particular in the area near the
bridge construction and downtown areas, and also the staging area.
Compliance with MnDOT's recommended replacement guidelines must be
matched by compliance with the City's tree mitigation policy.
K.) Visual Impact of East Lattice Tower. The City ofHastings expresses its
extreme concern that only one of the twin lattice towers flanking the bridge is
scheduled for replacement. Leaving the eastern lattice tower while replacing
its twin on the west side of the bridge with a shorter, monopole tower will
create a detrimental visual impact to the primary gateway to the City of
Hastings. The EA sections on nearby resources, scenic resources,
infrastructure and historic impacts do not mention or address the visual impact
of the tower east of the bridge. Should the lattice tower remain, it will have a
negative impact upon the views to and from the bridge and the Second Street
Historic Districts and the Historic City Hall (former Dakota County
Courthouse). -The existing towers, despite their dated appearance, are
symmetrical. Replacement by monopoles on each side of the bridge approach
would also be synunetrical. if not replaced, the east lattice tower will stand
out dramatically compared to the contemporary monopole and the new bridge.
Therefore the City strongly encourages the replacement of the east lattice
tower with a monopole as a mitigation of a visual impact, funded by the
bridge project budget.
L.) Future Trail Connection. MnDOT has committed to allow a future trail
connection to the bridge, thus allowing the opportunity for the City to
continue the discussion and research on the possibility of connecting a "spiral
bridge" trail to the new bridge. The City is in support of this commitment by
M.) Storm Water Treatme~-t Facilities. The storm water management plan
should not include any above ground storm water treatment or ponding basins
on the south end of the project near the downtown area of the City.
N.) 4t~ Street Intersection. To preserve the current on-street parking capabilities
on 4'h Street near its intersection with Highway 61, and because it was
determined that asplit-phase signal configuration is not feasible at this
intersection, the City prefers no overall physical layout changes to the 4th
Street legs of the intersection.
O.) North Project Limit. The extent of the project limits on the north end of the
project should be expanded to more accurately depict and explore options for
improving the traffic safety. The EA should include adescription/discussion
of why the north project limits are not extended, as it relates to the access
point at King's Cove, and the left hand turning movement. The City contends
the EA is inadequate as the Project termini do not extend beyond the bridge
over the CP Railway.
P.) Flood Management Plan. The EA is incomplete as there is not enough
information to conclude that MnDOT has adequately addressed a flood
management plan, in particular for the area near and at the staging area. Past
experience would suggest the likelihood for flooding in that area, along with
others near. the Mississippi River would require alternative staging areas
during the course of the construction project. Flooding potential bears
significant consideration for contingency planning.
Q.) Solid Waste Removal. The EA is incomplete as there appears to be
inadequate information illustrating the demolition and other solid waste
removal plan during the construction project, and in particular a traffic
management plan for waste removal vehicles. Ail haulers involved in solid
waste removal must be properly licensed by the City of Hastings.
R.) Materials from Existing Bridge. Demolition of the existing bridge, as
described on Page #33 should include an opportunity for the City to retain
sections of the bridge to allow for a monument or artwork of some sort.
S.) Emergency Management. Emergency management during the course of any
emergency at the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant in Red Wing will be
imperative. 'The Cottage Grove National Guard armory is a decontamination
site for the public and Highway 61 and the Bridge serve as the primary
evacuation route to this facility. If there is a bridge closure, extensive
coordination between Nuclear Management Company and the Minnesota
Department of Homeland Security should take place.
Adopted by the City Council of the City of Hastings, this
15te Day of June, 2009.
Paul J. Hicks
Melanie Mesko Lee
City Clerk