HomeMy WebLinkAbout20091207 - VI-16December 2, 2009 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Council FROM: Jahn Grossman EDRA Dir. RE: Appointment to EDRA Statutes provide that the members of the Economic Development and Redevelopment Authority (EDRA) be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. The term of citizen members is six years, with a 12-year limit. Dennis Martodam, who has served on the HRA since 1993 and was appointed to the EDRA last year for a one year term, will leave the board at the end of December 2009. As provided by the EDRA's administrative practices, the board has advertised and interviewed applicants and makes the following recommendation for appoix~tnnent to fill the Vacancy. The EDRA board reconunends the appointment of Dennis G. Peine, 511 4~' Street W. for a term from January 2010 through December 201 S. 1Vtr. Peine, an architect and designer, will bring a new viewpoint and experience to the board's consideration of community developments and improvements. „T i ~ ~ ~;: f ~.. - ~~ ~~ ~ n _ ~ .~' `~; t Advisory Commission Interest Farm t `~s~ ,~' The City of Hastings encourages active participation of its residents. Ciry Advisory Cornanissions are one form in which residents can take a participatory involvement in the planning, development, and preservation of our growing and historical community. Thank you for your interest in serving on an advisory commission. Information about City commissions is available on the City's website at www.ei.hastin~s.tmi.us under Inside City HaII Questions? Contact 651-480-2350 or Charter Dave Osberg dosber ,ci.hastin s,mn.us Hastings Economic Development& Redevelopment John Grossman Authority HEDRA} rossman ci.hastin s.mn.us ^ Heritage Preservation (HPC) Justin Fortney ' forme c,ci,hastinas.mn.us ^ Natural Resources & Recreation (NRRC) Barry Bernstein bl7ernstein c,ci.hastinQs.mn.us Planning John Hinzman ' hinzman c ,ci.hastin s.mn.us ^ Police Civil Service Commission Mitce McMenomy tntnctnenomy a,ci.hastings.mn.us Other/No Preference 4 Commission (please indicate your interest) To help acs have a better understanding of your interests and background, we ask for same general information. Please complete and sign the application. Name Dennis G Feino Address b11 Fourth Street West Day Phone 41 Years (p5~---- ~-j ~`.- ~~~~-~' Evening Phone e-mail dennis.peine@gmail.com How long have you lived in Hastings? 41 Years ~a~1 of €i~atl?~~~`~ ~ ~r~ t=~taatreett:~. H;~ata~~~, tit,! ~~-1~5::~ ~ ~:~~7..-#t,nr°~~~~ ~ F~~~~4~~-~k3 v~v~.rt.h~~.lrr~.rt~n.t City of Ilastings Page 2 of 2 Ad~~sory Commission Interest Corm Please provide a short paragraph summarizing wkly you are interested in becoming involved with a City commission. believe my combined experiences make me a unique candidate for membership with the Hastings Economic Development & Redevelopment Authority. My education as an Architect and professional involvement with successful development and redevelopment give me the ability to combine creativity with proven practicality. I have been a team member on a range of projects including the redevelopment master plan for the North Robert Street corridor in West 5t. Pau[, housing projects ranging from single family to four hundred unit complexes, large scale retail and corporate campuses to in-fill and historic redevelopment projects, international developers to main street multigenerational family businesses. 1 look forward to an additional opportunity to draw upon these experiences in a new way here in my Supplemental; Information Employer: Occupation Self Employed Design Consultant What experience would you bring to the Cominission? Please share any other information you believe should be considered with regards to parkicipating with a city catnmission. Please return to: City of Hastings 101 Fourth Street East Hastings, MN55033 § 31.36 PUBLIC D1SCLO5UR6. Hastings Planning Commission, Hastings 2030 Master Planning Committee, Levee Park bask 1=orce, Hastings Bridge Coalition City Use Date Received: Forwarded to: {A} Each public official of the Ciry of Hastings shall file for public record in the office of the City Clerk, a scvorn statement in a farm approved by the City Council and which must contain, at a minimum, the following information: (1) '17te names of elf businesses, corporations, companies, firms, partnerships, or other business enterprises, doing business with or in the City of Hastings, in which the public official is connected thereto as an employee, owner, director, officer, adviser, or consultant, or in wluch the public official has a continuing financial interest, through ownership of stock or as a beneficiary of any pension or retirement plan; (2} A description of all parcels of real property, other than property occupied by the public official as a personal residence, in which the public oi~icial has any interest, including the right to occupy any snch property; and (3) 'i'he interest of a spouse, or minor child or other member of the immediate household of any public official shall be considered an interest of the public official for purposes of filing the statement required. (B] Each person who becomes a public official shall, within 30 days after assuming the office or position, file a public disclosure required by Phis section. (1) Following an initial filing, the information on that filing shall remain in effect and all public of#icials will continue to attest to its truth. Within 30 days of any change to the informafian on the initial filing and following any reappoinnnent or reelccfion, all public officsals shall file a new sworn statement with the City Clerk. City staff members covered under tltis provision shall fit[ out an initial filing and shall thereafter complete any amended filings within 30 days of any change to the information on the itifial filing or at least every 4 years, in the years in which the Mayor and at large Councihne[nber seats are up for election, whichever comes f inst. (Am. drd. 511, passed 4-5-2DU4) (2) This subchapter shall not be construed to regale the tiling of any information relating to arty person's connection with any professional society or any charitable, religious, social, fraternal, recreational, civil or political organization or any simtilar organization not conducted as a business enterprise. (3) The City Administrator shall inform each person who is required to file a statement, the time and place far filing, an[l shall furnish each such person with a copy of this subchapter and the regaled statement form. The City Administrator shall infomt the City Council when any person, who is required to file a st<~tement, fails to file the statement in a timely manner. (PriorCode, ~ 2,81}