Minutes of the Meeting of November 20, 2007
7:00 p.m. City Hall
I. Quorum: Goderstad, Hicks, Sovik- Siemens, Martin, Simacek; Chairman Goderstad called the
meeting to order.
II. Minutes
C. October 16, 2007. A motion by Simacek for approval was made and seconded by Hicks;
motion carried.
II. Review of building permits or design proposals
RR. 3147 th Street E- New twin home on vacant lot
Justin Fortney presented the staff report.
7:08 Chair Goderstad opened the public hearing.
James Fox, neighbor, spoke saying that the proposal looks good. He added that he was afraid
it wasn't going to look nice.
Gary Heselton, applicant, said they are proposing to have 9 1 /z' from the house to each of the
side property lines. The vinyl siding is a historic series that will be 3" lap with a brushed
appearance. There will also be Hardiboard trim on the house.
Richard Thorsen, neighbor, asked what the pitch of the roof was. Gary Heselton responded
Pamela Thorsen, neighbor, asked if there are any green space requirements for infill
development like for new developments. Fortney responded, not other than setback.
John Novak, representing his parents who are neighbors, asked what the difference is
between using vinyl to reside an existing home and siding a new one with it. Fortney
responded, the guidelines stipulate that vinyl siding should not be used on a historic house
and for a new house, wood and cement board are preferable to vinyl.
Commissioner Martin said that the Commission has set a president by never allowing vinyl
Renee Heselton, applicant, said she was also a certified appraiser and gave data that showed
homes outside of the historic district that were selling for more than homes inside of the
district, even though the City's website said the opposite it true.
Gary Heselton said that staffs comments have added an additional $12,000 to the cost of the
project and using Hardiboard siding instead of vinyl would add another $5,846 dollars.
Martin said that building costs and home values don't determine appropriateness. The
relationship to the guidelines determines approval.
Gary Heselton explained how the staff's comments increased the cost of the project by
Motion by Martin, second by Sovik- Siemens to table the application to the next meeting on
December 18 motion carried
SS. Vermillion St- wall repair and reconstruction
Rita Goodrich, architect with MacDonald and Mack Architects, LTD was hired by MNDOT
to plan the restoration and gave the commission an over view of the project. Goodrich
showed the Commissioners an example of the brick retaining wall that will be used where no
wall presently exists.
Motion by Martin, second by Simacek to approve the complete wall restoration and
reconstruction process; motion carried
TT. 106 2 nd St E- Install new windows
Fortney presented the staff report.
Dave Harris, applicants architect, said they would do all they can to save the mural from the
construction process. He added that he would like the unauthorized work done to the front of
the building to be a separate issue and handled at a different meeting. Fortney responded that
it would be discussed with the information and reports at the end of the meeting and action
would take place at a later meeting after an application had been submitted.
Goderstad said that there was a lot of work that went into the mural and it must not be
wrecked. He added that a lot of money was raised to make it.
Motion by Simacek, second by Martin to approve the installation of new centered windows
that do not line -up with the existing on the exterior side of the first floor with the following
conditions; motion carried:
Stucco returns similar to those on the second floor.
Sills similar to those on the second floor
Two clear panes of glass separated by a horizontal muntin
0 Repair any damage to the mural caused by the installation of the windows.
UU. 3145 th St E- remove and replace siding
Fortney presented the staff report.
Motion by Martin, second by Simacek to approve the removal of the aluminum siding with
the following conditions listed in the staff report: motion carried:
The original clapboards must also be removed
Hardiplank or similar must be the same width of the original clapboards.
Original trim and corner boards must be replicated
The cement boards used must be smooth with no artificial wood grain appearance
IV. Information and Reports
Staff provided the commission background information on proposed sign ordinance changes.
Staff and the Commission discussed the fence that the City installed at 4015 th St W.
Staff and the Commission discussed the unauthorized work done to the front of 106 and 108
2 nd St E.
V. Adjourn. Motion by Martin, second by Simacek to adjourn; motion carried. - 9:00 P.M.