HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-16-74 1646 Hastings, Minnesota December 16, 1974 The City Council of the City of Hastings, Minnesota met In a regular meeting on ~bnday, December 16, 1974 at 7:00 o'clock P.M. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. " r- ~~rnbers preseat: Councilmen Driscoll, Novak, O'Connor, Fischer, Hallberg, Schnirring, Kramer, Collins and Mayor Petersen. Hembers absent: None. . The ~finutes of the meeting of December 2, 1974 were approved as read. Councilman Kramer introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for furnishing the city with one (I) Dump Truck for the Street Department, the following bids were received complying with the advertisement. ~ ~/? \ Bidder Bid Price Bahls 1.1otors $16,175.95 3,599.95 $12,576.00 $18,050.00 5,065.50 ~84:50 Trade-in Net Bid Schneider ~Jotor & Imp. Trade-in Net Bid r--- I I'l'HEREAS, it appears that Bahls !viator is the lowest responsible bidder in furnishing the city with a vehicle for the Street Department, NOW, 'I1!EREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hastings, Minnesota: TIle Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with Bahls ~Iotors for the purchase of one Dump Truck ,w(~ording to the specifications therefore approved by the City Council and on file in the office of the City Engineer. ArrEST: mlmst;'at~' Councilman Driscoll seconded the motion to adopt said resolution and the same was passed by the following vote: Ayes, 8; Nayes, none. lerk is hereby directed and authorized to return forth- the deposits macle with their bids, after a contract has with been the City Council this 16th day of December, 1974. 11lC ~iayor announced that the Public Hearing would be continued from the meeting of December 10, 1974 and declared the meeting opened at 8:05 P.M. TIle Mayor giving an opportunity for everyone in the audience to address themselves to the nature of the Public Hearing on the Housing & Reclevelopment Authority's Plan for the Do\'11town Area then closed the Public Hearing at 8:21 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING ON DOWNTOWN REDEV. PLAN Councilman 11allberg introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: 1647 RESOL~rION ~mER RESOLUTION APPROVING HASTINGS "' *1 DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT ARPA PROJECT .>1f WHEREAS : l~ The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Hastings ("Authority") has determined that there be Wldertaken a project in the City known as the "Hastings, Downtown Redevelopment Area Project", herein called "Project" and that said Project constitutes a "redevelopment project" within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.421. l~ 2. The Authority has transmitted to the City Council an appli- cation for a Redevelopment Project and supporting documents, including the Hastings Downtown Area Redevelopment Plan, December 3, 1974, consisting of 12 pages and 2 maps, a method proposed for financing Ule project, a budget and a relocation plan identified in-the Redevelopment Report, all of which are hereinafter referred to as the Redevelopment Plan and Application. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City COWlci1 of the City of Hastings, MiImesota as follows: 1. The City Council hereby finds, determines and declares that with respect to said Project: A) 'TIle land in the project area would not be made available for redevelopment without the fincmcial aid sought. B) TIle Redevelopnlent Plans for the redevelopment area in the ":::locali ty will afford maximwn opportunity, consistent wi th the sound needs of the locality as a ,,,,ho] e, for the redevel- opment of such areas by private enterprise; and the Planning COlTUnission of the City has n~c01lTIncnclcd llpproval of tJle rl Redevelopment Plan. l~: C) 'TIle Redevelopment Plan for the Project area conforms to a general plan for the development of tbe locality as a ,,,,hole; and C) The Project constitutes a "redevelopment project" within the JHeaning of illinnesota Statutes, Section 462.421, Sl!l)oivision 13, in that it: provides for planning and survey Kork and the preparation of technical and financial plans and arrange- ment for buildings, structures and improvements, and other work in connection therewith; it contemplates the acquisition of blighted areas and other real property for the purpose of removing, preventing or reducing blight or th,e causes of b1ight; it provides for acquisition of inappropriately used lands and lands occupied by functionally obsolete non-residential build- ings and the conversion of same to uses consistent with emphasis on housing for low and 1H01lerate income fami"lies, inclulling the provision of essential public facility; it provides for clearing areas and installation, construction or reconstruction of streets, utilities and for site improvement essential to the preparation of sites for uses in accordance with the Rellevelopment Plan and the accomplishment of a combination of the foregoing. 2. The said Redevelopnlcnt Plan and Application having been duly reviewed and considered is hereby approved and the City Clerk be and is hercby directed t<)---file said copy of satd Redevelopment Plan Dnd Application ,...i th the minutes of ,this~eeting. , \ !. ,Adopt by the City Council this 16th day of December, 1974. ATTEST: and the (~o~''--;:<~=::::::~ lu Ci ~~; Ci~&' z(:,. ~ "d,_ Councilman Novak seconded the motion to adopt said resolution same was passed by the following vote. Ayes, 8, Nayes, none. ' .~- ~ - t:: ~ -..:J C t\: u .~ f ~ . .' , Councilman Novak moved, Councilman Fischer seconded, to adopt the Staff's report concerning Annexation as a working paper with which the Council may begin to approach all concerned and interested partieswith. Be it further resolved that the Mayor reactivate the HastingsAr~-i:~~~~ Planning Connnittee as soon as possible to begin discussions on Annexation and that a copy of the report be sent to the other Townships that are contiguous to the City of Hastings so that they may have it as an information item and ask any questions that they may have in regard to the city's concerns and interests in annexation. Ayes, 8; Nayes, none. Councilman O'Connor introduced the following resolu- tion and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION STATING INTENT TO PARTICIPATE IN COOPERATIVE COMMUNITI DEVELOPMENT FUNDING 1648 ADOPT ANNEXATION REPORT RESOLUTION ADOPT4IJ/! COMMUNITI DEVEL. ACT 1974 WHEREAS, the recently enacted Federal Housing and Connnunity Development Act of 1974 at Section 570.104, Subd. (c) provides a limited amount of discretionary funds for activities proposed by qualifying units of gen- eral purpose local government which the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) agrees to fund, and WHEREAS, the total available funds are expected to be not more than 1.4 million for Fiscal Year 1975 and 5.1 million for Fiscal Year 1976, and WHEREAS, CITI OF HASTINGS, together with approximately 190 other govern- mental units within the Metropolitan Area is eligible to make application for such funds; NOW 1HEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The City of Hastings hereby expresses its desire and intent to par- ticipate through the HCD Ad Hoc Steering Committee, together with other eligible governmental units within the Metropolitan Area, in the formu- lation of tentative alternative Section 507.104, Subd. (e) funds alloca- tion, prioritization and distribution procedutes which could ultimately be used in connection with such fund distribution in the Metropolitan Area. i! , I 2. The City of Hastings directs it Planning Director to act as its de- signated representative to this Connnittee and to HUD for purposes of expression of the City of Hastings position and intent with regard to the above matter. 3. City of Hastings understands that this Resolution does not consti- tute an acceptance or endorsement of any specific reconnnendation (s) of the HCD Steering Connnittee concerning the above but agrees to give further offic. co .deration to any reconnnendation formulated by such Connnittee and ndorse by the designated representatives of participat- ing connnunitie . AdoJte b~ the City Council this 16th day of December, 1974 ATTEST: .. --~ ;Y~ yo 1 ty ~nlstr;tor Councilman Schnirring secon ed ~e-motion to adopt said resolution, same was passed by the following vote: Ayes, 8; Nayes, none. Councilman Driscoll moved, Councilman Fischer seconded to accept the resignations of William Hirchert to be effective January 14, 1975 and to accept the resignations of Skip Soleim and David Tanner but that these last two named individuals will continue to serve until the Council designates a replacement for them. Ayes, 8; Nayes, none. ACCEPT RESIGNATIONS HIRCHERT, TANNER & SOLE 1M PLANNING COMMISSION 1649 FIRST READING ON Councilman Hallberg moved, Councilman Driscoll seconded AMENDMENT TO ZONING to pass the first Reading of the Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance ORDINANCE C-3 ZONES concerning Special Uses (Creameries) being added to C-3 Zoning Districts. The Planning Commission is instructed to conduct a Public Hearing on this Amendment. Ayes, 8; Nayes, none. DEVELOPMENT IN INDUSTRIAL PARK REFERRED TO COM. SIGN ORDINANCE ENFORCEMENT RESOLVED GAS RATE REVIEW RESIGNATION BETTY TINGQUIST POSTPONE IND. PARK LAND RE -APPRAISAL TO JANUARY MEETING APPROVE UNION CONTRACT LOCAL NO. 49 APL/CIO HORAN LETTER ON ICE ARENA FLOOR APPROVE NON UNION EMPLOYEES WAGE SCHEDULE Councilman O'Connor moved, Councilman Novak seconded to refer to the Industrial Park Committee of the City of Hastings, Dexter Marston's concerns and concepts for regulation of devel- opment in the Industrial Park. The Committee is to work with the Staff and write up a doctDIlent with recommendations to be sub- mitted to the Council for what action the Industrial Park Com. would like to see taken. Ayes, 8; Nayes, none. Councilman Schnirring moved, Councilman Driscoll seconded, to postpone enforcement of the new sign ordinance because suitable standards are not available for the Downtown Redevelopment Area until June 30, 1975. Be it further moved that all of the businesses located on Vermillion Street that are in violation of the sign ordinance be notified immediately for State law governs signs located on state highway right-of-way and they have the authority to remove signs after short notice. Ayes, 8; Nayes, none. At this time the Mayor reviewed the gas rate structure that will go into effect December 27, 1974 and with no stated objections from the Council signed the Gas Company's doctDIlent which simply stated there was a mutual understanding as to what the new rates would be. Councilman Schnirring moved, Councilman Kramer seconded, to accept the resignation of Elizabeth Tingquist as an employeee of the city and express regrets at her loss and that she is to be complimented on the fine job that she has done for the City. Ayes, 8; Nayes, none. Wally Erickson informed the Council of the meeting of which the re-appraisal of the Industrial Park land was considered at the State level. The issue now seems to be whether or not the City of Hastings wants to introduce special legislation to get the original appraisal figure as opposed to the increase that resulted from the re-appraisal. The Mayor and Council instructed the Staff to lay this item over to the January 6, 1975 meeting for a further report. Councilman Novak moved, Councilman Kramer seconded to approve the Labor Contract with Local No. 49 APL/CIO Union to be effective January 1, 1975 until December 31, 1975 as presented by the City Administrator, a copy of which is on file in the Ci ty Adminis tra tor's off ice. Ayes, 8; Nayes, none. Be it further resolved that the Mayor and the City Administrator be authorized to sign the contract. At this time the Administrator presented to the Council a letter from Mr. Horan concerning his interpretation involving the issue over a sectional ice arena floor versus a continuous pettr. The Council instructed the Administrator and City Attorney to review the matter again and report back to the Council the final recommendations when all the facts are in. Councilman Novak moved, Councilman Hallberg seconded to approve the salaries for the non-union employees as presented by the Administrator as follows: Ayes, 8; Nayes, none. u o - t= ...... ~ o t\: ~ 'I' \ , I , I , } ---' I, 1650 NAME SALARY Phila ~1atsch Barbara Thompson Phyllis Barclay Marjorie Kelley James Cosby Dexter ~1ars ton Clarence Latch Daryl Plath Wallace Erickson Donald Louden Keith Rosch Arnold Endres Michael Stanich Roger Tonsager Steve Pederson $ 8,280.00 7,392.00 8,289.60 6,930.00 21,500.00 15,400.00 15,400.00 17,610.00 16,050.00 13,920.00 14,820.00 15,150.00 11,225.00 14,950.00 9,811. 03 Part Time Janice Jesme Diane Latuff Charlotte Stoudt 2.75 Per hour 2.75 Per hour 3.52 Per hour Councilman Driscoll moved, Councilman Fischer SET SPECIAL COUNCIL seconded, to call a Special Council meeting for December 30, 1974 MEETING at 5:00 P.M. for the purpose of conducting end of year business and to make a declaration concerning the Far Labor Standard Act. Ayes, 8; Nayes, none. Councilman Hallberg moved, Councilman Novak seconded to re-appoint Mr. Paul We1shons for a five year term to the Hastings HRA Conmission. Ayes, 8; Nayes, none. APPOINT P. WELSHONS TO HRA Councilman Novak moved, Councilman Driscoll seconded, to approve the salary for the Assistant Fire Chief, Frank Truax, at $960.00 a month effective December 1, 1974 with an increase in salary to be considered upon the successful completion of hi-s six-month probationary period to $1,000 per month. Ayes, 8; Nayes, none. SET SALARY FOR ASS'T FIRE CHIEF The City Administrator informed the Council of the need for some cleaning equipment in the Ice Arena and that Staff would be taking either, any of the necessary informal quotes or, go to the formal bidding process depending upon the total cost of the product. CLEANING EQUIPMENT ICE ARENA Councilman O'Connor moved, Councilman Kramer seconded to approve the city of Hastings joining in the new concept of the Suburban Rate Authority under the Joint Powers Act, and to appoint James Cosby as the representative of the city to the Board of the Suburban Rate Authority. Be it further understood that the city joins at this time with the clear understanding that there is no financial conmittment required from the city now or in the future as far as we know and that any cost being con- sidered assessed by the SRA to the city of Hastings will have to be reviewed by the City Council and approved or rej ected by the Council, be it further resoa.ved that the City of Hastings reserves the right to withdraw from the organization at its pleasure with- out suffering a financial penalty. Copy of said Resolution on file in the City Administrator Office. Ayes, 7; Nayes, Councilman Novak. Motion carried. CITY JOINS SRA APPOINT J. COSBY REPRESENTATIVE '" 1651 TEMPORARY PERMIT ISSUED TO COURT HOUSE TABLE ITEMS 18, 19 & 20 to Jan. MEETING PARTIAL PAYMENT B TU MIX CERTIFY ASSESS- MENTS ACCEPT PROJECT FINAL PAYMENT A. KAMISH & SON ~*1 TECHNICAL AGREFMENT MN. HWY DEPT ~O ~ ANNUAL AGENCY CONTRACT, MN. DEPT OF HWY f<~\ The City Attorney infonned the Cotmcil that the tem- porary occupancy permit has been issued to the County for their new County Courthouse and that the injunction which has previously been approved by the Court has now been withdrawn. The Mayor, in reviewing the Agenda suggested to the Council that Items 18, 19 & 20, (Re-naming Streets; Revising Assessment Policy; Sidewalk Replacement) be tabled until the danuary 6, 1975 council meeting. There were no objections stated by the Council, the items were tabled. Councilman Fischer moved, Councilman O'Connor seconded to approve the partial payment to B-TU Mix for 1974 Construction Proposal #1 in the amount of $12,445.37. Ayes, 8; Nayes, none. t I Councilman O'Connor moved, Councilman Schnirring seconded to approve the certifying of the following assessments; for utilities extended under private contract to serve properties owned by the following: Ayes, 8; Nayes, none. Steven Amundson Burns & Ens tad Frank Pasch $2,334.62 $9,317.37 $3,275.11 introduced the following resolution and Councilman Novak moved its adoption: WHEREAS. pussuant to a written contract signed October 7, 1974 with the City of Hastings and A. Kamish & Son for the construction of the R.R. Spur at Industrial Park and having completed said project satisfactorily; NOW, TIffiREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Clerk and Mayor are herebI directed to issue a proper order for final payment of $1,4. The work completed under said contract is hereby accep ed d approved. this 16th day of December, 1974. o ~ - fJ~- L.;, . Clty Cl r - Councilman Fischer seconded the motion to adopt said resolution, it was passed by the following vote: Ayes, 8; Nayes, 0 Councilman O'Connor introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: - RESOLUTION ON TECHNICAL SERVICE AGREFMENT WIlli MINNESOTA HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT ~ ~ --J C I\: BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to statutory authority, that Leonard G. Olson, City Engineer of the City of Hastings, Mm.. for and on behalf of the City of Hastings is hereby authorized to request and obtain from the Minnesota Department of Highways, needed gine "ng and technical service during the year of 1975; for whi paymen will be made by the City of Hastings upon receipt of verifi clai from the Commissioner of Highways. this 16th day of December, 1974 o ~~w Councilman Fischer seconded the motion to adopt said resolution, the same was passed by the following vote: Ayes, 8; Nayes, none. ATTEST Councilman O'Connor introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ANNUAL AGENCY CONTRACT ...... 1652 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS FEDERAL AID FO~1 NO. III BE IT RESOLVED that pursuant to Section 161.36, Subdivision 1 through 6/Minnesota Statutes, , the Corrnnissioner of Highways be appointed as agent of the City of Hastings to let as its agent, contracts for the construction of portions of Municipal Streets, for the year 1975, and the Mayor and the Clerk are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the City Council to execute and enter into a contract with the Corrnnissioners of Highways prescribing the terms and conditions of such contracts On the fonn as set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department 0 High s Agency Contract Fonn No. 30774" a copy of which said fonn was befo e the ounci!, assuming on behalf of the City all of the contractual 0 igatOons therein contained. ATIEST '~ ~ ' . (4 '~--4 lty ler Councilman Fischer seconded the motion to adopt said resolution and same was passed by the following vote. Ayes, 8; Nayes, none. City Council this 16th day of December, 1974. Councilman Driscoll introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RELOCATE R.R. CROSSING-21ST ST. r: 1653 AUTI-lORIZE PRIVATE WORK WES1VIEW SHOPPING CENTER CITI ENGINEER REPORT APPOINT ASS' T ICE ARENA MGR APPOINT CITI ENGINEER PAY CONTRACTORS PAY BILLS ADJOURN COWlcilman DriscolL'moved, COWlcilman Novak seconded to approve the authorized private work on Westview Shopping Center; being the City Engineer is to design and inspect the storm sewer for the Westview Shopping Center, Le. only that portion which includes the northwest corner of the parcel lying south of Hwy #55 and north of South Frontage Road~ The cost of the work on this portion to be backcharged to Industrial Builders, Inc. Program to start on December 16th and completed on Wednesday, December 18th, 1974. Ayes, 8; Nayes, none. The City Engineer informed the City Council of the PCA notice concerning the State Hospital permit and the need of a Barricade at the end of Sibley Street plus a street light on 16th and Eddy,:'<Street. Councilman Novak moved, Councilman Driscoll seconded, .to appoint Robert Bathrick, 1309 Pine Street Hastings, Mn. as the Assistant Ice Arena Manager. Appointment to be effective as of December 26, 1974 at a salary of $9,500.00 per annum. Ayes, 7; Nayes, Councilman O'Connor. Councilman Kramer moved, Councilman Schnirring seconded, to approve the appointment of Leonard G. Olson, Rte #2, Box 288A, Prior Lake, Mn. as the City Engineer for the City of Has tings . Effective date of January 16, 1975 at a salary of $20,600 per annum. Ayes, 8; Nayes, none. Councilman Novak moved, Councilman Driscoll seconded, to pay the following bills. Ayes, 8; Nayes, none. Loosen, Inc. $30,391.20 Collins Electrical $16,433.10 O'Connor-Kranz $18,836.00 Councilman Novak moved, Councilman Driscoll seconded, to approve Is as audited and instruct the City Clerk to issue warrant Ayes, 8; Nayes, none. ilman Kramer moved, Councilman Schnirring seconded Ayes, 8; Nayes, none. ATIEST: ~~~ ~ lty lnlstrator I' o - t:: ~ ~ C t\: l! CIA IMS DE~EMBER 16, 1974 r: CIA IMS University of Minnesota Metropolitan Sewer Board Walter E. Petersen Travelers Insurance Co. Roger Tonsager Clarence La tch Mutual Benefit Life Claude Donnde1inger James Maher Emmett Plan Bernard Swanson Eugene Tix Fra nk Truax Central Natural Gas Co. Wallace H. Erickson United Telephone Co. Bob Freiermuth Const. James Peters Excavating O'Connor-Kranz Co., Inc. Air COUlD Earl F. Andersen & Associates Behrens Auto Supply B-Tu-Mix Co. Bullseye Reloading & Supply Commissioner of Revenue Maurice Crosby John L. Davidson Diamond Crystal Salt Co. Doerer's Four Seasons Gopher Welding Supply Gross Indus trta 1 Hastings Collections Hastings Hardware Ha,tt.8~~ Lumber Mart Inc. Hillcrest Safety Equipment I. ~!s Upholsteries Institute for Management Johnson's Hardware KDWA S ta tion L & J Distri butors Loca 1 Oil Co. Lyon Chemical Mac McGoon MislUssippi Va lley Star Mississippi Welders Minneapolis Star & Tribune Northwestern Nat'l Bk.of Hastings National Rifle Association Joe O'Brien Chevrolet O'Neil Lumber Co. Pioneer Sporting Goods Plaunt & Anderson Co., Inc. The Prescott Journal Schne ider Motor St. Paul Stamp Works, Inc. St. Paul Dispatch Town & Country GMC To1tz, King, Duvall, Anderson and Associates Webber Ford-Mercury Xerox Corporation Uniforms Unlimited Inc. A1fted A1tendorfer Berna rd Swa nson Dexter Marstont: Walter Petersen Richard Collins Ray Driscoll Mary Fischer Donald Hallberg Anthony Kramer Thoma s Novak NO. 12249 12250 12251 12252 12253 12254 12255 12256 12257 12258 12259 12260 12261 12262 12263 12264 12265 12266 12267 12268 12269 12270 12271 12272 12273 12274 12275 12276 12277 12278 12279 12280 12281 12282 12283 12284 12285 12286 12287 12288 12289 12290 12291 12292 12293 12294 12295 12296 12297 12298 12299 12300 12301 12302 12303 12304 12305 12306 12307 12308 12309 12310 12311 12312 12313 12314 12315 12316 12317 12318 12319 12320 ~ISPOSITION Registration for Conference Reserve Capacity Charge Expenses December premium Registration for Conference Expenses & Registration December premium Fire holiday pay " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " November billing Expenses November billing Ma teria1 & labor Excava t ing Material & labor Service contract Signs Supplies Const. Ma teria 1 Targets Sa les tax Used lead Services Bulk highway salt Supplies " Chemica 1s Supplies Credit Bureau collections Supplies " Repa irs Repa irs Subscription Supplies Adv~rtising - Ice Arena Battery Cleaner Bulk gas Chemicals Prints Advertising - Ice Arena Chemica 1s Advertising Federal Withholding Enrollment Parts & labor Post & lumber Supplies Maint. to large San. Sewer Mains Advertising Supplies Council Nameplates Advertising Supplies October Engineering services Supplies Office supplies Clothing allowance Expenses Labor Expenses Mayor's Salary Councilman's Salary " " " " " " " " " " 1654 AMOUNT 5.00 12,474.00 37.30 3,210.83 5.00 27.99 229.68 174.94 184.64 176.34 163.74 170.54 152.51 801.97 27.25 606.05 2,Q16.25 3,871. 50 7,660.86 34.25 88.53 75.10 61.50 28.00 14.56 18.00 59.40 289.81 91. 85 52.40 24.05 1.80 11.08 82.88 801. 61 15.00 34.50 164.01 41.64 62.50 28.50 1,543.60 1,263.43 5.00 89.90 29.50 37.38 3,515.40 1QI:,,iOO 200.45 420.28 420.00 2,829.75 46.57 1.32 29.30 23.10 8.52 7,390.54 17.29 5.70 97.35 4.00 121.00 17,85 180.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 1655 CLA 1M NO. DISPOSITION AK>UNT Jame sO' Connor 12321 Councilman's Sa 1a ry 150.00 Erwin Schnirring 12322 " " 150.00 Pe ter McCa nn 12323 City Hall Labor 19.83 Thomas Sinnnons 12324 City Clerk Office 235.70 E1tzabeth Tingquist 12325 City Clerk clerical 191.52 Elizabeth Tingquist 12326 " " " (Vaca tion) 236.89 John Yanz 12327 Dog Catcher fees 24.50 Alfred A1tendorfer 12328 Police overtime 18.51 Gordon Anderson 12329 " " 148.77 Paul Foyte 12330 " " 38.13 Lloyd Ga th 12331 " " 121.15 J. Tomas Grieb1ing 12332 " " 93.46 Donald Henriksen 12333 " " 21. 71 Ronald Hillmer 12334 " " 60.01 l__ Gerald Nistler 12335 " " 21.11 James Putz 12336 " " 9.73 Rodney Ritter 12337 " " 10.31 Samue 1 Sorenson 12338 " " 50.43 Richa rd Ta te 12339 " " 45.42 Einer Theodorson 12340 " " 20.31 Nicholas Wasy1ik 12341 " " 85.57 Charlotte Stoudt 12342 Police clerical 140.39 Russell Plath 12343 Police labor 53.60 Gary Ca ter 12344 Fire Calls &: drills 102.00 Gerald Denn 12345 " " 37.90 Claude Donnde1inger 12346 " " 64. 74 De10r Doorak 12347 " " 53.00 Arnold Endres 12348 " " 127.70 LeRoy Finke 12349 " " 117 . 30 John Hankes 12350 " " 33.40 Richard Holmes 12351 tI " 182.00 Reino1d Judge 12352 " " 33.40 Joe Kane 12353 tI tI 53.00 Paul Kasel 12354 " tI 99.40 Clarence La tch 12355 ,. " 22.84 Dona 1d La tch 12356 " " 123.50 0 Fred Litschke 12357 " " 76.00 James Maher 12358 " " 64 . 13 Kenneth Matsch 12359 " " 159.10 James Matsbh 12360 " tI 78 .00 E1IIIIIe t t ~na n 12361 " " 71. 76 James Poh1 12362 tI " 58.90 Peter Preston 12363 " tI 41. 00 Roger Rother 12364 " " 62 .00 Clarence Rotty 12365 tI " 77.90 Ralph Shingledecker 12366 " " 26.00 Leana rd Strusz 12367 " " 73.00 Bernard Swanson 12368 " " 52.23 Eugene Tix 12369 " " 54.57 Frank Truax 12370 tI " 69.44 John Wagner 12371 " " 98.00 William Wendler 12372 tI " 86.00 Alan Wulff 12373 tI tI 73.60 Peter McCann 12374 Street labor 32.81 Arthur Zgoda 12375 tI " 11.64 Janice Jesme 12376 Engineer ittg Clerical 95.78 Dianne Latuff 12377 " " 84 . 18 Thomas Ginther 12378 Engineering 76.50 Harold Robinson, Sr. 12379 " 76.50 Robert Ruedy 12380 Wa ter 29 . 25 L Patrick Orman 12381 Water overtime 21.81 Kevin Novak 12382 Water 71.50 Donald Lange 12383 Water Overtime 39 . 17. Jeff Horsch 12384 Water 78.00 Albert Herrmann 12385 Water overtime 39.17 Joseph Pavelka 12386 Hockey Arena ".17 Harold Robinson, Sr. 12387 I. B. 74 Const. 18.00 Thomas Ginther 12388 I. B. 74 Const. 18.00 Harold Robinson, Sr. 12389 1975 Pre limo 92.00 Romas Ginther 12390 " " 71 . 70 Eugene Gix 12391 Street labor 49.50