October 8, 2001
Regular Meeting
7:00 pm
Chairman Strauss called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm.
1. Roll Call
Commissioners Present: Greil, Hollenbeck, Stotko, Strauss, Twedt.
Commissioners Absent: Anderson, Michno
Staff Present: Planning Director Matthew Weiland, Associate Planner Kris Jenson
2. Approve September 24, 2001 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
The minutes were accepted as written by an unanimous vote.
3. Site Plan Review - 2211 Vermillion Street - Restaurant/Bar
Director Weiland presented background information on the rezoning.
David Harris, architect for the project, introduced himself.
Chairman Strauss asked what kind of restaurant was planned for the site.
Mr. Harris stated that the restaurant would be an Ember's America, and the Garage Bar would be
attached to the restaurant.
Planning Commission Action:
Commissioner Greil moved and Commissioner Stotko seconded a motion to recommend to the
City Council to approve the site plan, subject to the following conditions:
1. That the proposed structure and accessory items including, but not limited to, the parking
lot landscaping shall be completed pursuant to the approved site plan. Upon request for
occupancy of the building, all uncomplated items contained within the site plan shall be
addressed pursuant to city code requirements.
2. That the developer shall grant the City an easement along the rear of the property for
future road improvements.
3. That the site plan shall be modified to illustrate the size, location, and elevation of the
water and sewer lines. The utility plans are subject to the approval of the Public Works
Director and shall be approved prior to building permit issuance.
4. That the site plan shall be modified to include a grading plan illustrating site and parking
lot drainage. The grading and drainage plan is subject to the approval of the Public Works
Director and shall be approved prior to building permit issuance.
5. That the landscaping plan shall be modified to identify trees and plantings, subject to the
approval of the Planning Director.
6. That all lighting on the site shall be downcast and shielded with cut off shields.
7. That the site plan shall be contingent upon MNDOT review and approval. That the site
plan shall be modified to incorporate MNDOT comments.
Upon final vote taken, Ayes, 5, Nays, 0. Motion carried.
4. Updates and Other Business
There were no updates or other business.
5. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 7:19 pm.