November 26th' 2001
Regular Meeting
7:00 pm
Chairman Strauss called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm.
1. Roll Call
Commissioners Present: Greil, Hollenbeck, Stotko, Strauss, Twedt, Michno
Commissioners Absent: Anderson
Staff Present: Planning Director Matthew Weiland, Associate Planner Kris Jenson
2. Approve October 22nd, 2001 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes.
The minutes were accepted as written by a unanimous vote.
3. Public Hearing - Rezone South Oaks (A Agriculture to R-2 Medium Density Residence and
R-3 Medium High Density Residence)
4. Public Hearing - South Oaks Preliminary Plat
Director Weiland presented background information on the rezoning and the preliminary plat.
Chairman Strauss opened the public hearing regarding the rezoning at 7:17 pm. Hearing no comments
from the public, the hearing was closed at 7:18 pm.
Planning Commission Action:
Commissioner Stotko moved and Commissioner Twedt seconded a motion to recommend to
the City Council approval of the rezoning of the South Oaks property to R-2 Medium Density
Residence and R-3 Medium High Density Residence.
Upon final vote taken, Ayes, 6, Nays, 0. Motion carried.
Chairman Strauss opened the public hearing regarding the preliminary plat at 7:19 pm.
Larry Thomas, 2930 Highview Knoll asked what form of traffic control would be in place at the
intersection of Bohlken Drive and 31st Street West.
Director Weiland stated that the Public Works Director was still reviewing that aspect of the plans.
Chairman Strauss closed the public hearing at 7:21 pm.
Commissioner Stotko expressed concern that with the number of units being proposed and
constructed on the south end, when the connections to County Road 47 would be put in place to
relieve traffic pressures on Hwy 61.
Director Weiland stated that the Riverwood Development would actually provide the connection for
both the Century South and the South Oaks. If the Riverwood Development doesn't come forward in
a time frame that the City deems necessary, the City will look at providing the connections as a City
Chairman Strauss inquired if the Riverwood Development has already escrowed the amount necessary
for the culvert crossings.
Director Weiland stated that they have site plan and plat approval, but that escrows are not required
until a grading permit has been approved.
Chairman Strauss added that she would like to some type of delineation of the conservation
easements as has been required of other recent subdivisions, and inquired if this development approval
could be tied to road connections.
Director Weiland stated the issue has been discussed, but that the real issue is where to draw the line.
Commissioner Stotko stated that he would like to see the road connections done by the City and the
costs assessed back to the property owners.
Planning Commission Action:
Commissioner Twedt moved and Commissioner Hollenbeck seconded a motion to recommend
to the City Council approval of the preliminary plat for South Oaks, subject to the following
That preliminary plat approval is contingent upon the property being re-zoned to R-2
and R-3 PRD.
That all private drives and related utilities be designed and constructed according to
City policies, as determined by the Public Works Director.
That developer shall provide evidence that all private drives and utilities will be
maintained by a homeowner=s association not by the City.
That the Developer shall agree to pay for a portion of the culverts. These costs shall
be agreed to in the development agreement.
That the cul-de-sac island shall be maintained by the homeowners and not by the City.
The developer shall provide documentation on the maintenance of the cul-de-sac island
to be recorded with the plat and development agreement.
That the developer shall have a separate water meter and water line installed for all
irrigation systems.
The applicant shall be required to pay $310.00 per lot in interceptor sewer charges,
prior to the city releasing the final plat hardshells. The interceptor sewer charge for
this project totals $61,070.00 for the 197 units.
The applicant shall be required to pay $850.00 per unit in interceptor sewer charges,
prior to the city releasing the final plat hardshells. The park dedication fee for this
project totals $167,450.86 for the 197 units.
That park dedication fees are used to extend a sidewalk along 31st to Cannon Park,
when 31st St is constructed in this project.
That the town home units in the project are required to go through the site plan review
process, before they are approved.
That the stormwater plan shall be reviewed by BARR Engineering and any BARR
Engineering comments shall be incorporated into the stormwater plan. The Developer
shall be responsible for the costs of the BARR Engineering stormwater plan review.
These costs shall be agreed to in the development agreement.
That the developer shall install, to City standards, all trails identified on the preliminary
That the developer shall submit a tree plan identifying street trees every 50 linear 50
ft, subject to the approval of the City Forester.
That the builders in this subdivision shall plant g_boulevard@ trees according to the
submitted tree plan and one front yard tree per lot. An escrow is required for any
unplanted trees before a certificate of occupancy is issued for any units without trees
is allowed.
That preliminary plat approval is contingent upon the developer obtaining a special
use permit to fill the flood plain.
That preliminary plat approval is contingent upon the City Council and the National
Parks Service approving the proposed land trade, otherwise the preliminary plat shall
be modified to eliminate the City property.
That a 20 ft conservation easement should be placed along the rear of the lots 1-6,
Block 1 to protect the wooded hillside.
That upon approval for a land trade, a 20 ft conservation easement shall be placed at
the rear of lots 1-8, Block 12. This easement shall be planted with a natural vegetative
buffer, subject to the approval of the Hastings NRRC.
That the Developer shall enter into a Development Agreement with the City to
memorialize conditions of preliminary plat and that the executed Agreement shall be
recorded against the subject property prior to issuance of building permits.
Upon final vote taken, Ayes, 6, Nays, 0. Motion carried.
5. Public Hearing - Siebens Crest Estates - Preliminary Plat
Planner Jenson presented background on the project.
Chairman Strauss opened the public hearing at 7:31 pm. Hearing no comments, the public hearing
was closed at 7:32 pm.
Commissioner Stotko asked if the entrance into Siebens Crest estates from General Sieben Drive lined
up with the high school access on General Sieben Drive.
Dan Tillson, the project engineer stated that the high school entrance was located several hundred feet
south of the entrance to this project, and that it would not have been possible to line up the two
access points.
Planning Commission Action:
Commissioner Michno moved and Commissioner Stotko seconded a motion to recommend to
the City Council approval of the Siebens Crest Estates Preliminary Plat, subject to the
following conditions:
That the applicant shall pay a $310/lot Interceptor Sewer Fee, which would total
$8,680.00 for 28 units, prior to the City=s release of the final plat hardshells.
That the applicant shall pay $850/lot in park dedication fees, for a total of $23,800,
prior to the City's release of the final plat hardshells.
The proposed structure and accessory items including, but not limited to, the
landscaping shall be completed pursuant to the approved site plan. Upon request for
occupancy of the building, all uncompleted items contained within the site plan shall
be addressed pursuant to city code escrow requirements.
Upon final vote taken, Ayes, 6, Nays, 0. Motion carried.
6. Public Hearing - Minor Subdivision (581-583 3 5th Street West)
Planner Jenson presented the background information.
Chairman Strauss opened the public hearing at 7:36 pm. Hearing no public comment, the public
hearing was closed at 7:37 pm.
Planning Commission Action:
Commissioner Stotko moved and Commissioner Greil seconded a motion to recommend to the
City Council approval of the minor subdivision for 581 - 583 31st Street West, subject to the
following conditions:
Approval of a resolution waving platting requirements.
The resolution waving platting requirements and a certificate of survey shall be
recorded with the County. A copy of the Certificate of Survey shall also be filed with
the City.
Upon final vote taken, Ayes, 6, Nays, 0. Motion carried.
7. Variance - 738 3rd Street West (Side Yard setback/Nonconforming structure expansion)
Planner Jenson presented background on the request. A letter notifying the neighbor of the request
resulted in 2 comments from the neighbor. They were concerns with additional water mn-offonto her
property, and a tree that is located on the property line near the expansion area. The neighbor didn't
want the applicant to come back at a later date and state that the tree was interfering with the
foundation, and then the neighbor would have to pay all or part of the costs to have it removed. It
was also noted that the applicants were in the audience and available for questions.
Chairman Strauss stated that she spoke with the neighbor as well, and stated the same concerns from
the neighbor.
David & Cathy Maynard, applicants, stated that the tree near the expansion area would not be a
problem and that they had recently built a fence around the tree, rather than have it removed to place
the fence in on the property line.
Planning Commission Action:
Commissioner Greil moved and Commissioner Michno seconded a motion to recommend to
the City Council approval of the variance for 738 3rd Street West, based on the following
conditions and findings of fact:
The home was constructed prior to the establishment of the zoning code.
The applicants did not construct the home.
The appearance of the home from the street will not be altered.
Drainage issues will be reviewed and addressed, if necessary, during the permit review
Upon final vote taken, Ayes, 6, Nays, 0. Motion carried.
8. Site Plan - Regina Hospital Expansion
Director Weiland presented background information on the project.
Chairman Strauss asked if the proposed new entrance from Pleasant Drive could include an access
into the River Valley Clinic to make access to the clinic easier.
Dan Williams, consultant for Regina Hospital, stated that the clinic is located on a separate lot and is
under separate ownership, and that a connection did exist between the two.
Director Weiland stated that a sidewalk will be required along the new access drive and that the new
parking areas will be subject to a site plan review.
Commissioner Twedt asked about the construction staging area and crew parking areas.
Mr. Williams stated that a construction trailer will be located in view of the expansion area, and that
the work crew would have a temporary parking area, so as to not interfere with employee parking.
Planning Commission Action:
Commissioner Twedt moved and Commissioner Hollenbeck seconded a motion to recommend
to the City Council approval of the Regina Hospital expansion, subject to the following
1. The proposed structure and accessory items including, but not limited to, the parking lot
and landscaping shall be completed pursuant to the approved site plan. Upon request for
occupancy of the building, all uncompleted items contained within the site plan shall be
addressed pursuant to city code escrow requirements.
2. That the applicant shall submit detailed plans for the expanded parking lot to replace the
lost parking due to the hospital expansion. The applicant shall construct the parking lot
according to City standards, prior to the City issuing a Certificate of Occupancy for the
3. That the temporary gravel parking lot constructed as part of the hospital expansion shall
be removed and replaced with appropriate ground cover.
4. That the applicant shall submit a stormwater/grading plan for the new parking lot and
access drive from Pleasant Dr, subject to the approval of the Public Works Director.
5. That the applicant shall submit detailed plans for access to Pleasant Dr, subject to the
approval of the Public Works Director. The applicant shall construct the access according
to City standards, prior to the City issuing a Certificate of Occupancy for the project.
6. That the applicant shall submit detailed plans for a 10 inch water main extension, subject
to the approval of the Public Works Director. The applicant shall install a 10 inch water
main according to City standards, prior to the City issuing a Certificate of Occupancy for
the project.
Upon final vote taken, Ayes, 6, Nays, 0. Motion carried.
9. Updates and Other Business
Director Weiland announced that he had resigned his position with the City of Hastings, as he has
accepted a position with a private development firm. His last day will be December 7, 2001, thus, this
was his last Planning Commission meeting.
Chairman Strauss, on behalf of the Planning Commission, thanked Director Weiland for his work with
the City, and wished him luck in his future endeavors.
Director Weiland introduced John Conzemius, the Metropolitan Council representative for the
Hastings area, as well as a Hastings resident.
Mr. Conzemius thanked the Planning Commission for their hard work to responsibly guide the
development of the City. He stated that at the Met Council, he is work towards getting Metro Transit
bus service to Hastings, which would allow for a commuter bus and park and ride to be located in the
City, to give commuters an option for transportation to and from the Minneapolis/St. Paul area.
He also stated that there is an aggregate shortage in the area, and encouraged the Planning
Commission to permit mining in the area, and the land can then be used for housing or development
after the aggregate has been mined.
Finally, Mr. Conzemius stated that the farmland on the south side of Hastings is some of the most
fertile and best farmland in the country, and he encouraged the City to reguide their developments to
preserve that land.
10. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm.