January 14th, 2002
Regular Meeting
7:00 pm
Chairman Strauss called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm.
1. Roll Call
Commissioners Present: Michno, Hollenbeck, Greil, Strauss, Anderson, Twedt, Stotko
Commissioners Absent: None
Staff Present: City Clerk Melanie Mesko, Planning Administrative Assistant Samantha
Staff Absent: Acting Planning Director Kris Jenson
2. Approve January 14, 2002 Planning Commission Minutes
The minutes were accepted as written by a unanimous vote.
Public hearing - Comp Plan Amendment (Glendale Heights Land Use Designation and
MUSA Adjustment)
City Clerk Mesko presented background information on the Glendale Heights proposed
development and the Comp Plan Amendments.
Dan Tillsen, project manager of the proposed development, came forward and gave an overview
of the land involved, geographical characteristics, green ways, proposed dwellings, future road
and trail ways. He also spoke of the way in which transitioning would try to be implemented
between the industrial park and the former gravel pit by the placement of different types of
Commissioner Strauss opened the public hearing at 7:15 pm. Hearing no comment from the
public the hearing was closed at 7:16 pm.
Commissioner Strauss raised questions about the road/traffic feasibility being done,
environmental concerns and economics, specifically the city's share of the proposed road
Commissioner Greil stated that he thought having apartment buildings being built in the City was
very exciting. He also raised concerns regarding about amending the Comp Plan. He asked if this
then signaled a change or shift in the thoughts/actions of the City staff. In earlier circumstances
when a proposed change was brought forth, it was usually denied.
Mr. Tillsen stated that they wanted to save as many trees as they could, and the proposed housing
was placed in cultivated areas to further reduce the number of trees that would have to be
eliminated. He also stated that this land is in the corporate City limits, and the development would
provide an important road extension (the extension of Spiral Blvd to connect with Glendale
Road). He continued by stating that even though this land is not currently included in the City's
MUSA line and the City would have to amend this property's land use classification this land and
it's future development would be a smart growth maneuver.
Commissioner Strauss stated that this development would provide critical road connections and
the proposed apartment housing would be beneficial as the City is experiencing an apartment
housing shortage.
Commissioner Greil raised traffic concerns. He felt that many of these new future residents could
very well end up on Hwy 316, which already has access problems. He also voiced concerns
regarding amending the Comp Plan. It is only a year old, previous attempts to alter it were denied
and that he would appreciate some direction from City Staff.
Commissioner Stotko stated that he didn't mind the proposed project but that he would also like
to wait a few weeks for City Staff to return in order that some clarification might be offered.
Commission Greil moved to table any further discussion or action until the next meeting so that
further information could be obtained from the City Staff regarding the Comp Plan
use/guidelines, and Commissioner Michno seconded.
Commissioner Anderson stated that he didn't feel the need to table the decision. He repeated that
the Comp Plan is a guide; it is not set in stone. The land in question is within the City limits, and
that an important road connection is there and an amendment to the Comp Plan was fine with
him. He did state that the traffic issue was something he would like further information on.
Dan Tillsen stated that a healthy discussion was warranted for the project. He would rather that
time be spent going over its aspects. He replied that he was ok to wait a few weeks so that the
Planning Council Commissioners could meet with City Staff to discuss amendments to the City's
Comp Plan.
Planning Commission Action:
Motion to table request for comprehensive plan amendment and MUSA amendment for the
Glendale Heights development until the January 28, 2002 Planning Commission meeting.
Upon vote taken: Ayes: 7, Nays: 0.
4. Updates and Other Business
City Clerk Mesko sat in tonight for Acting Director Jenson who was out ill.
Questions were asked regarding the hiring of a new City Planner. Ms. Mesko stated that
interviews had been conducted and hopefully a selection would be made and announced soon.
5. Adjournment
Commissioner Anderson motioned to adjourn the meeting.
Commissioner Stotko seconded the motion.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 pm.