July 8th, 2002
Regular Meeting
7:00 pm
Chairman Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm.
1. Roll Call
Commissioners Present: Anderson, Greil, Hollenbeck, Michno, Stotko, Truax, Twedt
Commissioners Absent: None
Staff Present: Planning Director John Hinzman, Associate Planner Kris Jenson
Commissioner Twedt arrived at 7:12 pm.
2. Approve June 24th, 2002 Planning Commission Minutes
With no changes, the minutes were accepted by a unanimous vote.
3. Mississippi Office Park, Continued - Site Plan #2002-44 to construct an office building at
the southwest corner of Pine Street and Highway 55.
Director Hinzman stated that Staff is requesting the item be tabled due to Developer's request.
Planning Commission Action:
Commissioner Michno moved and Commissioner Greil seconded a motion to table the site plan
review of Mississippi Office Park to the next meeting, July 22nd, 2002.
Upon vote taken: Ayes: 6, Nays: 0. Motion carried.
3a. Riverwood 7th Addition - Preliminary Plat File #2002-52 review.
Director Hinzman stated that the Public Notice was published in the newspaper before Staff could
pull the item from publication. Therefore, Staff is requesting that the item be continued to the August
12, 2002 meeting.
Planning Commission Action:
Commissioner Greil moved and Commissioner Stotko seconded a motion to
preliminary plat review of Riverwood 7th Addition to the August 12, 2002 meeting.
Upon vote taken: Ayes: 6, Nays: 0. Motion carried.
table the
Glendale Heights - Rezoning/Preliminary Plat #2002-53 to rezone 80 acres from A -
Agriculture to R-3 - Medium High Density Residence (Planned Residential Development)
and subdivide property into 123 lots and 6 outlots for single family, townhome, and future
apartment uses located along Spiral Blvd east of Hastings Industrial Park by Hertog & Crist.
Director Hinzman presented background information on the proposal.
Chairman Anderson opened the public hearing at 7:13 pm. Hearing no comment, the public hearing
was closed at 7:14 pm.
Commissioner Truax inquired as to how the police shooting range, located east of the proposed
development and below the bluffiine, would be buffered from the residential homes in this
subdivision. He also expressed a concern about putting additional traffic at the intersections of
Highway 316 and Spiral Boulevard and 31st Street.
Director Hinzman stated that he had contacted Lt. Kegley of the Hastings Police Department to
discuss the future of the police shooting range and what measures should be taken to protect the
residential uses from the range.
Planner Jenson stated that the extension of Spiral Boulevard to Glendale Road would provide a means
for residents of the proposed subdivision to bypass the Vermillion River Bridge on Hwy 61. It would
also allow trucks from the Industrial Park to exit the park to Glendale Road and meet up with
Highway 316 several miles south of Hastings, where the traffic is less heavy. The road was also
identified as an important connection within the 2020 comprehensive plan.
Director Hinzman added that people will learn that it is faster to go around to Glendale Road and up
to l0th Street as a means of accessing Highway 61.
Commissioner Greil inquired as to the timing of the apartments proposed for the site, and what the
markets might be for the units.
Dan Tilsen, engineer for the project, indicated that at the earliest they cold be constructed in 2003,
and that the property must be replatted for the apartments (currently that area is being platted as an
outlot) and that the buildings must go through site plan review as well. However, realistically the time
frame is more like 2-5 years per building in the future. He added that the developers are studying that
aspect at this time and are as yet still undecided.
Director Hinzman asked Mr. Tilsen to describe the types of units they are considering constructing.
Mr. Tilsen passed around photos of an apartment complex in Eagan that is similar to what is being
considered. The buildings would have underground parking, brick facades, etc. The pictures being
passed around are of a complex that was constructed approximately 30 years ago.
Planning Commission Action:
Commissioner Michno moved and Commissioner Greil seconded the motion to recommend the
approval of the rezoning request from A- Agriculture to R-3 Medium Density Residence
Planned Residential Development and approval of the preliminary plat to subdivide property
into 123 lots and six outlots to the City Council, subject to the following conditions:
Rezoning Conditions:
1) Approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment #2002-01 for MUSA extension and change
in the land use guide plan from R - Rural to U-II - Urban Residential 4-8 units per acre by
Metropolitan Council.
2) Residential density shall not exceed 8 dwelling units per acre gross density for the entire
Preliminary Plat Conditions:
1) Approval of the Rezoning request from
Residence/Planned Residential Development
A-Agriculture to R-3-Medium Density
Lots and right-of-way encroach onto the adjoining City owned Hastings Industrial Park at the
following locations: 31st Street, southern cul-de-sac, and Block 2 Lot 16; as well as Spiral
Blvd and the western north/south road. Either eliminate the encroachments or work with the
City to purchase encroaching land.
3) Trail Extension needed along the east side of the north/south road adjacent to Outlot F, and
Block 7.
Backyard slope leaves limited usable backyard on the following lots:
· Block 3, Lots 5-7 & 10-15
· Block 4, Lot 6
· Block 6, Lot 17
· Block 7, Lots 1-2
· Block 8?, Lot 3
Grading plan must be revised to include a 20' rear yard area of limited slope.
Ownership of Outlots A,B,C, D, & F must be established. A homeowners association with
covenant documents must be created and submitted to the city for review to ensure continuity
of maintenance. Another option is to eliminate outlots, extend platted property lines, and
retain a scenic easement over the former outlot.
6) Outlots D and E must be combined if not dedicated for park purposes and a scenic easement
retained over the former Outlot D area.
7) The City may consider the cul-de-sac north of Outlot E for private ownership and
8) Title opinion is needed from a certified title company.
9) Street names are needed.
10) Any existing structures on the property must be identified.
11) Add site note to Preliminary Plat - existing zoning is A - Agriculture, proposed zoning is R-
3, Medium High Density Residence.
12) Any other contiguous land owned by the property owner must be included in the plat.
13) Benchmark information needed on Preliminary Plat.
14) Lots 1-3, southwest of Block 6 do not have a block number, Block 8 should be used.
15) Park dedication on Outlot B is subject to acceptance from the Natural Resources and
Recreation Committee.
16) Revised Tree Plan needed specifying location, size, and species of trees at a 1:100 scale.
17) Tree plantings required in all cul-de-sac and median areas.
18) Trees must be planted 1:50 linear feet on all streets and be a minimum of 1.5" caliper in size.
One front yard tree is required within 5-15' inside the property line. Any trees not planted
must be escrowed at 125% of estimated cost of tree and installation.
19) Additional groupings of 5-6 coniferous trees, planted at a 20' sawtooth pattern at no less than
100 feet in spacing between groups must be added along the western boundary of Outlot D.
20) Homeowner association covenants must be established to ensure maintenance of all common
areas and joint facilities.
21) The southern cul-de-sac and both roads intersecting the northern property line are temporary
cul-de-sacs, subject to further extension upon development of adjacent lands.
22) Right-of-way on southern cul-de-sac must be 60 feet, 50 shown.
23) Spiral Blvd right-of-way north of Outlot B is shown as 50', 80' required.
24) Curb radii needed for all streets and intersections, minimum 15' on all comers.
25) Drainage and utility easement areas must be better denoted.
26) All mailbox areas must be grouped.
27) All disturbed areas on this property shall be stabilized with rooting vegetative cover to
eliminate erosion problems.
28) The disturbed areas of the site shall be maintained to the requirements of the City's property
maintenance ordinance.
29) The developer shall pay a sewer interceptor fee of $315 per lot for a total of $38,745 ($315 x
123 lots). All fees must be paid before release of final plat mylars.
30) Site Plan approval must be granted prior to construction of proposed apartments.
31) Execution of a development agreement to memorialize the conditions of the plat and to
establish any applicable escrow amounts to guarantee the completion of site plan activities.
32) Approval of a Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Plan to the satisfaction of the Public
Works Director.
33) Approval of a Utility Plan to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director.
34) The applicant shall mitigate potential impacts of the Police Shooting range.
Upon vote taken: Ayes: 7, Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Pleasant Acres First Addition - Preliminary Plat #2002-55 - to subdivide property into 7
townhome lots located between Pleasant Court and North Frontage Road by Habitat for
Planner Jenson presented background on the project.
Chairman Anderson opened the public hearing at 7:30 pm, and hearing no public comment, the
hearing was closed at 7:31 pm.
Chairman Anderson stated that he likes this project!
Planning Commission Action:
Commissioner Stotko moved and Commissioner Hollenbeck seconded the motion to
recommend approval of the Pleasant Acres Preliminary Plat to the City Council, subject to the
following conditions:
1. That the applicant provide evidence that the private street and utilities will be/are maintained
by a homeowner's association and not by the City.
2. That the developer pays sewer interceptor fees of $315 per unit, for a total of $2205, prior to
the release of hardshells.
3. That the developer pays park dedication fees of $850 per unit, for a total of $5950, prior to
the release of the hardshells.
4. That the developer places the final lift on Pleasant Court.
5. All disturbed areas on this property shall be stabilized with rooting vegetative cover to
eliminate erosion problems.
6. The disturbed areas of the site shall be maintained to the requirements of the City's property
maintenance ordinance.
7. Approval of the plat is contingent upon successful review of the grading, utility, and erosion
control plans by the Public Works Department and the Fire Marshal.
8. That the several larger trees on the site be fenced off and protected during the construction
and grading process.
9. Execution of a development agreement to memorialize the conditions of the plat and to
establish any applicable escrow amounts to guarantee the completion of site activities.
Upon vote taken: Ayes: 7, Nays: 0. Motion carried.
King's Cove - Special Use Permit #2002-54 to construct storage slips and a service dock at
King's Cove Marina located east of Highway 61 and the Mississippi River.
Director Hinzman presented background on the item.
Chairman Anderson opened the public hearing at 7:34 pm and due to a lack of public comment was
closed at 7:35 pm.
Chairman Anderson asked if this addition would create additional car traffic at the site, which is
already very busy.
Bill King, owner of King's Cove, stated that the storage slips are intended for small personal
watercraft that owners of larger boats docked at the site would use as transport between their boat and
the shore.
Planning Commission Action:
Commissioner Hollenbeck moved and Commissioner Michno seconded the motion to
recommend approval of the Special Use Permit to the City Council with the attached condition:
1. Obtaining applicable permits from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.
Upon vote taken, Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. Motion carries.
City of Hastings - Special Use Permit #2002-56 to place fill within the Vermillion River
Floodway in conjunction with the General Sieben Drive Bridge on property owned by D.W.
Wallin Partnership.
Director Hinzman presented background information on the project.
Chairman Anderson opened the public hearing at 7:42 pm, and with no public comment, closed the
public hearing at 7:43 pm.
Commissioner Stotko asked for clarification as to the location of the bridge abutments on the map
included with the Staff report.
Director Hinzman pointed out the locations and stated that the mutual consultant for the project, Bart
Engineering, used typicals because the bridge specifics are not yet determined.
Chairman Anderson clarified that Tom MacDonald, the writer of a memo included with the Staff
report, was an employee of Bart Engineering.
Director Hinzman stated that he indeed does work for Bart Engineering.
Chairman Anderson stated that the report seems to be saying that modifying ponds A & B would
lesson the impact on the floodway.
Director Hinzman asked that the Commission look at the table on page 2 of the memo. Pond A has
been moved to the south and no longer has any negative impacts on the site. He reminded the
Commission that the ponds are located within the Wallin project and that this application was specific
to the bridge crossing.
S. Todd Rapp, attorney for the Wallin Development, stated that based on a recommendation from
Bart Engineering, pond B has been extended and reshaped to allow a "V" shaped flood area. Pond A
has been moved out of the floodway. Barr has prepared a CLOMR to get under the requirements of
the City's Floodway Ordinance, and that the application had just been received this afternoon. Work
on the development and the road should have a very minimal impact on the floodway.
Director Hinzman added that Bart Engineering has put a great deal of time into the application.
Commissioner Truax asked when in the process Barr Engineering got involved.
Director Hinzman stated that Bart began their review around the time the Wallin Special Use Permit
was being reviewed by the Planning Commission.
Commissioner Stotko asked for clarification of the Table on Page 2 of the memo.
Director Hinzman stated that the table used different scenarios to determine floodway impact. The
different scenarios included the reshaping of pond B and the relocation of pond A.
Commissioner Twedt inquired about reshaping the ponds.
Mr. Rapp stated that the memo is dated June 13th, and indicated that the original design of the ponds
had a .62 effect on the floodway. Since that date, the ponds have been reshaped and repositioned, and
the overall affect now meets the thresholds for flood levels. The reshaped ponds have been
incorporated into the grading plans for the Wallin Development, which have been approved by the
Commissioner Twedt asked about the differing lines around the ponds on the plans.
Mr. Rapp stated that those indicated potential revised pond outlines suggested by Barr Engineering.
Planning Commission Action:
Commissioner Greil moved and Commissioner Twedt seconded the motion to recommend
approval of the Special Use Permit to the City Council with the attached condition:
1. Preparation and submission of a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) application to
those government agencies having jurisdiction over approvals of alterations to designated
floodplain areas.
Upon vote taken, Ayes: 6 Nays: 1, Stotko dissenting. Motion carries.
8. Hidden Lane Addition - Final Plat #2002-38 to subdivide property to construct eight
townhome units between Whispering Lane and Pleasant Drive.
Planner Jenson presented background information on the project.
Planning Commission Action:
Commissioner Michno moved and Commissioner Stotko seconded the motion to recommend
approval of the Hidden Lane Final Plat to the City Council with the attached conditions:
1. Lot 9 shall not have a habitable dwelling unit constructed on it, and any future request for a
storage building/garage must go through the site plan process with the Planning Commission
and City Council, and include notification to the neighbors per state guidelines.
2. That the street and related utilities be designed and constructed according to City policies as
determined by the Public Works Director.
3. That the applicant provide evidence that the private street and common areas will be
maintained by a homeowner=s association and not by the City;
That the Developer shall pay the required $315.00 per lot in interceptor sewer charges. The
interceptor sewer charge for this project totals $2,520.00 for 8 units. These fees shall be paid
prior to the release of final plat hardshells;
5. That the Developer shall pay the required park dedication cash in lieu of land fee of $850.00
per unit or $6,800.00 for 8 units, prior to the release of final plat hardshells
The developer shall plant 24 trees as indicated on the landscape plan, as well as the hedge
shown along the private drive. The hedge must be at least 30" high and opaque year round.
An escrow is required for any unplanted trees/shrubs before occupancy of any units without
trees is allowed.
The Developer shall enter into a development agreement with the City of Hastings
Documenting conditions of approval for Hidden Lane Addition. The Development agreement
shall be signed prior to the City releasing the final plat hard shells.
Upon vote taken, Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. Motion carries.
9. Other Business
Director Hinzman stated that this was Commissioner Stotko's last meeting, and thanked him for his
years of service to the Planning Commission and the City.
He also reminded the Commission that a joint workshop session with the City Council is scheduled
for July 29th. The purpose of the meeting is to provide Met Council with feedback regarding the
potential relocation of the wastewater treatment plant.
Due to Commissioner Stotko's resignation, the position of vice-chair was vacant, and elections should
be held to fill the position. Commissioner Michno nominated Commissioner Greil, with
Commissioner Hollenbeck seconding the motion. Commissioner Twedt moved to close the
nomination process. A voice vote was taken, and Commissioner Greil is the new Vice-Chair of the
Planning Commission.
10. Adjournment
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:09 pm.